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"Why? Why can't I go to Mackenzie's house?" I asked, desperate. I couldnt believe Zayn was telling me I couldnt spend the evening at my bestfriends house
"I said no, Cass, quit whining" My big brother said, while rearranging the papers on his desk.
"But whyyyyyy?" I whined again.
"What did I tell you yesterday?" He asked. I made a weird face to make sure he knew that I wasnt understanding anything.
"What did I tell you?" He repeated.
"What does that have to do with anything?" I asked.
"Alright, if you're not gonna answer my questions, I'm done talking to you" 
"Okay, damn. You told me to do my homework"
"Exactly, and what did you do?" 

I huffed. I knew where he was going with all those questions.

"She went to Mackenzie's house while you were at work and she didnt do her homework" Luke said, clearly annoyed that we werent letting him watch TV with our conversation.

"Hey! Nobody likes a snitch" I said
"It is not telling if he already knew" Luke said. I flipped him off while Zayn wasnt looking, and he did it back to me.

"So do you need anymore reasons why you are staying here tonight?" Zayn asked me
"Honestly, yes!! This is bullshit, I did my homework!!" I said
"You are going to want to watch your tone Cassidy" Jordan said, from the couch, without even taking his eyes off his phone. He scares me when he talks to me that serious
"You did not. And I'm done with the conversation, so you might as well stop talking back" Zayn said.

"Zayn this is not fair!! Mackenzie's house is just around the fucking corner, and I wont be there for long!! You cant keep me in this house!!!"
"You're being dramatic" He said.
"And you're being a dick" I answered. I immediately regretted it. My brothers turned their heads from the couch where they were watching TV, their faces in shock that I had the courage (or stupidity) to talk to our big brother like that.
"Say that again and see what happens. Come on, I dare you" He said, getting close to me with a scary look.

I opened my mouth, just to get a serious look from him that scared me enough to close it. 

"Get out of my face, now" He demanded

As mad as I was, I was scared enough to do what he said, so I ran upstairs to my room and slammed my door (I know that my brothers hate when I do that, specially Jordan). Then I heard footsteps coming to my room and I regreted doing that.

Turns out it was Jordan, who opened the door angrily.

"You don't slam shit in this house Cassidy! And you don't question our decisions like that. Zayn says you're not going somewhere, then you are not, and you shut up about it. I'm getting fed up with your attitude and this time I mean it ! So quit acting like a baby, and get moving with that homework. I want it all done by dinner, and you bet your ass I'm gonna check it! So don't fucking test me"  He said, in his scary tone.

"Oh my god Jordan, what..." I started, but he didnt let me finish

"Shut your mouth, Im serious" He said, and left without closing my door. I didnt know if I could close it, or if he was gonna get in my face about it, so I left it open.

You see, when it comes to my brothers, the scary one is usually Zayn. He is the one that gets annoyed first and the one who usually grounds me and stuff. But with Jordan its different. He is unbothered until he isnt, and when you puss his buttons far enough, he gets all scary and starts yelling like he just did. So yeah, I wasnt about to find out what would happen if he checked my homework and it wasnt done, so I started doing it.

I began to have trouble with an algebra problem.

"Elijah!!" I shouted
"Whattt" He answered, from his room 
"I need help!!"

He didnt answer, but I heard him coming to my room and he sat on my bed

"What is it?" He asked
"This algebra problem that is gonna be the death of me" I said, pointing to my notebook. He chuckled.
"Why you always gotta be so dramatic about everything?"
"Im not." I said, knowing damn well that I am. He looked at me with a playfull smile. "You gonna help me, or not?" I said.
"Sure. But its gotta be quick, cause Im gonna go pick up my girlfriend later" 
"So everyone is allowed to go out and do stuff except for me?!? " I said
"Pretty much. But thats cause Im older than you, and also cause you lied to Zayn yesterday and went to Mackenzie's without permission. And now Jordan is mad at you, cause when he came down from your room, he was furious. So dont expect to be going out anytime soon"
"Fuck my life" I said. He laughed, and helped me with my math.

Soon enough I was done, and it was almost dinner time. I heard footsteps approaching my room and again, Jordan. I was mad at him and I wanted him to know.

"You done?" He asked. 
"See for yourself" I said, pushing my notebook towards him. He gave me a look, but didnt say anything. Then he started checking.

"Okay" He approved, giving my notebook back to me. I kept giving him dirty looks. "Go set the table" He said.
"Why me? I did it yesterday!! " I whined
"Because I say so, and you dont need anymore reasons than that one. Dont know whats got into you today but you are acting disrespectful as hell. Keep up this attitude and see what happens" 
"But I just asked!! Jesus Christ Jordan give me a fucking break"
"You wanna keep cussing and acting tough? Really?" He asked, raising a brow. I know I was pushing his limits.
"I'm not!!" I kinda shouted.
"Cass..." He warned me.
"What?! I'm not doing anything Jordan!!!"
"Shout at me one more time..." He warned again.
"I wasnt even shouting!!!!" I yelled, fed up with the situation.
"Thats it, you're done. You're grounded a week starting tomorrow. You come straight home from school or work, and cancel your plans for the weekend. I'm very fucking serious right now. I hear one more word coming from your mouth and I'll make it two weeks, and so on. So test me, go ahead" He said.

I wanted to cry, but I didnt say anything because when Jordan says something he does it, and I wasnt about to miss the party that I was invited to two weekends from this one.

"Go set the table" He added, looking to my eyes with a death stare. I looked at him with my eyes filled with tears, and silently cried while I made my way to the kitchen. I always cry when I get grounded, I hate the fucking feeling. Plus I cry every time without fail  when Jordan gets mad at me. I dont know what he does but he talks to me in a way that makes me feel so bad.

I started putting the plates on the table while I cried, and thats when Tyler saw me.

"Cass! Whats wrong?" He asked.
"I fucking hate Jordan, I swear, I hate him..." I said, sobbing. Tyler hugged me, which he rarely does.
"What happened" He asked
"We got in an argument, I talked back and now im grounded for a whole fucking week, I swear he's not fair to me, he is always mad at me!" I said, while I kept crying. I tried to keep it down cause I didnt want Jordan or Zayn hearing me.
"Calm down Cassy" Tyler said, still hugging me. "I'll do stuff with you this week okay? You wont be bored. Just calm down" He added
"Its not just that... I had plans for the weekend... " I said. I was crying more and more and it was getting hard to breathe.
"Go wash your face Cassy, I'll finish setting the table for you, okay?" He said. I nodded. He's so sweet sometimes.

I went to the kitchen sink to wash my face when suddenly Jordan appeared.

"Why is Cassidy not setting the table like I told her to?" He asked, raising a brow. 

"Here we go again" I thought

"I told her I would do it bro" Tyler said
"When I say she does something, then she does it. Dont get in the way of that" 
"Relax, its setting the table. Its really not that deep"
"It's about respect Tyler"
"Yeah I get it man but she's upset"
"She is upset cause she aint going anywhere for a week, but that's what she gets for acting disrespectful as hell. Am I lying?" Jordan said, turning to look at my eyes. I just simply stared at him. I didnt know what to say cause I was mad, but I didnt wanna get cocky or anything cause I knew what would happen then and I wasnt having it. 
"Am I lying Cass?" He repeated.
"No" I mumbled. 
"Exactly" he said. I wanted to punch him in the face. He left the kitchen and I wanted to scream in a pillow. He makes me so mad...

We finished setting the table and had dinner. I didnt say a word, but it didnt matter cause some of my brothers wont shut up so nobody cared that I wasnt talking. Then I went upstairs to my room and got in bed. I knew it was gonna be a long week.

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