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Ashley groaned and she knocked on your apartment door. You peaked out and you opened the door a little bit more. "What do you need?" you asked and she glared at you. "Listen, you need to stay away from my brother. He doesn't need anyone but me in his life," she replied and you scoffed. "No thank you. I'm still going to talk to my best friend," you said and she sighed. "I'm warning you right now that I will ruin your life if you don't stay away from Andrew," she said and she grinned. "You really like him, huh?" she asked and she looked into your eyes. "Mhm! He's my best friend," you replied with a small smile. Ashley shook her head and she sighed again. "You don't have romantic feelings for him?" she asked and your face turned red. "Romantic feelings? I-I don't know about that," you replied and she sighed. "Whatever, just listen to my warning," she said and she left your apartment. You ran your fingers through your hair and your phone started ringing. You grabbed the phone and you brought it to your ear. "Who is this?" you asked in your kindest voice you could muster, through your annoyance. "This is Andrew," he replied and he sounded incredibly nervous. "Oh! Hey Andrew," you greeted with a big smile. Your annoyance left you as the two of you talked on the phone for a while.

Andrew mustered up the courage to finally talk to you about why he called you. After you had finished ranting about how Ashley was he finally asked you. "Uhm, (Y/N)? Could we...Could we go out sometime soon? I think we could...Maybe hang out? It could be a date," he said and his face was extremely red. You smiled and you agreed to hang out with him. He was ecstatic but he wouldn't show it though. "Then...Maybe we could hang out sometime next week?" he asked and you grinned. "That works for me," you replied and he nodded on the other end. "Could it be on Tuesday?" you asked and he hummed. "Sure," he replied. You heard a crash in the background followed my Andrew swearing pretty loud. You couldn't help but laugh and he started grumbling. "How's this funny to you? I just stubbed by fucking toe," he said and you laughed harder. "I'm about to cancel our date," he said and you could practically hear the pout in his voice. "Please don't do that," you whined, playing along. You two continued to play around until you heard the door slam open. You could hear Ashley screaming at him and he sounded irritated. "Just shut the fuck up Ashley!" he yelled and she stopped for a moment. "Why should I when you're trying to replace me?" she asked and he sighed. "Not this shit again. I'm not trying to fucking replace you!" he yelled. You could hear the hurtful things she said about you and Andrew's friendship until Andrew hung up. After a while, you decided to clean up the apartment a little since it was pretty gross.

You finished cleaning after about an hour and you heard the phone ringing. You decided to ignore it and watch some TV instead. The phone kept ringing until the person left a voicemail. You decided to play the voicemail to decide whether you wanted to talk to them or not. You pressed the little button and the voicemail played out. "(Y/N)? Uhm, I'm sorry for what Ashley said. She was just being a bitch. Please ignore her...Uhm, I just wanted to tell you that...I miss you," the voicemail played out and you couldn't help but smile. He sounded upset but you didn't know how to react. You decided to call him after a while and you decided to take a nap on your couch. You got up after a while since you couldn't really sleep. You got a glass of water and you went back to your living room. You decided to watch TV until you fell asleep. About an hour later you fell asleep while being tangled up in blankets and pillows. You woke back up after a few hours and you heard the phone ringing. You grabbed the phone since it was close by. You brought it to your ear and you started mumbling. "(Y/N)? Are you okay?" Andrew asked and you hummed. " I was taking a nap," you replied and he chuckled. "Well I hope you're not too tired to talk to your best friend," he said with a small laugh. "Of course I'm not too tired to talk to you," you replied with a playful tone. You smiled and he started talking about something. You listened intently, not wanting him to stop talking. You really enjoyed his voice and he made you feel weird but not bad. You didn't fully understand why you felt the way you do about him. You could tell that he felt the same way because of how he talked to you. Were you two together? You were pretty sure but you didn't want to be wrong. "Are you still there?" Andrew asked and your face turned red. "Huh? Oh sorry! I spaced out," you replied and you rubbed the back of your neck. He laughed a little and he smiled. "It's fine. Anyways...Uhm, I was just wanting to talk to you again...Since I haven't talked to you in a while," he said with a very red face. "We can keep talking," you replied and he smiled on the other end of the phone. The conversations varied from parental issues to animals and everything else.

You two kept talking until he had to go. You two decided to talk every day for a while until your date. You were really excited for your date with him so you chose your favorite outfit that wasn't too fancy or too laid back. It was in between and it was pretty comfortable. It was Monday and you two were talking until the phone line was cut. You sighed, assuming it was Ashley. You groaned and you put the phone back. You already missed talking to Andrew even though it hadn't been long since you two had last spoken. The doorbell rang and you got up to answer the door. You opened it and the mailman was there with a humble look on his face. "Hello, I'm sorry for interrupting you. I just need to give you this," he said and he handed you your mail then he was off. You lightly laughed at him. He was a pleasant guy to be around. He was so polite and he loved making small talk. You closed the door and it was somewhat getting late. You grew more excited and nervous for your date with Andrew. You decided to watch some more TV to help pass the time.

You ended falling asleep and you woke up pretty late. You slowly woke up and you checked the time. You jumped as you realized you only had an hour before your date with Andrew. You got up and you got you something to eat. You got ready and you had about 30 more minutes. You grinned and you decided to finish up with some hygiene stuff. You yawned and you rubbed your eyes again. You looked at the time and you had a little less than 20 minutes left. You decided to go ahead and leave for the mall. Andrew was already there in a somewhat nice outfit. He was worried that he looked too casual for your date. He had bought you your favorite candy as a small gift. He was extremely nervous and he felt like he was going to pass out. You got there and you stood next to him with a nervous smile. "Hey Andrew," you greeted and he jumped. "Huh? O-Oh! Uhm, hey (Y/N)," he replied and he had the candy behind him. "Uhm...I uhm got you this," he mumbled and he held out the candy for you. You smiled and you looked away. "Thank you," you replied and your hands lightly brushed against each other as you took the candy. He looked down at the ground and he cleared his throat. "So...Where do you wanna go now?" he asked and you shrugged. "Maybe Hot Topic?" you suggested and he chuckled. "That sounds good to me," he replied and he looked at your hand. "Can I hold your hand? It's okay if I can't," he said with a nervous look. You laughed a little and you held his hand. His face turned more red and you two went into Hot Topic.

You two laughed and you got a few things from the mall. Andrew decided to buy some food for you two. "Where do you wanna go for lunch? It doesn't matter to me," he said and you looked around. "Hm, maybe to that place," you replied, pointing to one of the small restaurants. He smiled and he led you to the restaurant. You two waited for the waiter and he looked anxious. "Are you okay?" you asked and he jumped. "Oh! I'm alright! Just...Uhm...Never mind," he replied and you slightly pouted. Andrew lightly laughed and you crossed your arms with a red face. You two ordered after the waiter came and he looked at you. "So, uhm...I wanna tell you something," he said and you looked at him in curiosity. "I've had a crush on you for a while and...I was wondering if we could...Be together," he said and he covered his face with his hands. "That sounded so stupid," he mumbled under his breath. You blinked a few times in confusion. "Wait...I kind of thought we were already together," you replied and he looked up at you. "Wait really?" he asked and you nodded. "I could tell you had a crush on me and I also have one on you," you replied with a smile. He smiled nervously and he ran his fingers through his hair. "So we're together now, huh?" He asked and you nodded. "Mhm, we're official now," you replied with a small laugh. He shook his head with a smile and your waiter came with the food. You two finished and you guys went back to the apartment complex. You smiled and you kissed his cheek. His face turned bright red and you laughed a little. "Thank you for taking me out," you said and he smiled. "No problem," he replied and he hugged you. You returned the hug and after a few moments he broke the hug. "I'll see you soon," he said and he lifted up your head. He kissed the tip of your nose and you lightly laughed. He grinned and he bid you farewell. You went back inside your apartment feeling extremely happy about how your first date had gone. You looked forward to going out with him more.

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