Black Swan

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The White Swans were superior. At least that's what you were taught. Your elders preached that the White Swans were pure and innocent. An individual of such purity was meant to be paired with another of the same purity to ensure that nothing could spoil the beautiful line of genetics.

Whereas the Black Swans were tainted and imperfect, having fallen victim of the temptations of the flesh and worldly desires. They were painted as sinners and criminals but were enticing. You were warned of the acts that would render you as one of them— a touch of alcohol on your lips, the moment your lungs had a taste of any toxic gas, and of course a night full of lust. The only way you were to tell a Black Swan apart from others was a tattoo of a black feather on the side of their neck.

Elders had scared generations of White Swans with stories of what could happen if you met a Black Swan, and what awaits them if they fell victim to their manipulative tendencies. This meant that White Swans spent so long avoiding Black Swans that your town was split down the middle, an invisible wall separating you from sin.

As a young adult, you were placed in an institute and had eyes on you all the time making sure you kept by the rules making you feel suffocated. The youth were more likely to fall into sin—that's what they told you. You were one of the few that questioned your teaching. If they were so sure that the world beyond that invisible wall was dangerous, why couldn't we see for ourselves instead of isolating us? If they preached that you were free, why did you feel imprisoned? 'There is no good without evil' so why couldn't you see that and learn for yourself what was right and wrong instead of being lectured? One thing was for sure, you wanted to venture and see what the Black Swans were like. From the glances that you get of them, they looked like normal people, so what was so bad about them?


It was nearing 11pm as you sat on your bed watching the sky darken by the minute. Your mates were most likely in bed and hopefully already asleep. You decided this was the night where you'd see the world from your perspective and not your blind teacher's. Being as quiet as possible, you put on shoes and a jacket over your clothes and opened your window. Shimmying your way down the pipe that conveniently sat by your window you landed on the ground outside and just ran as fast as you could—no way were you going to risk getting caught.

When you were far away enough, you slowed to a stop, taking a deep breath in, the cool air filling your lungs. This is what freedom is.

You stood in the cobbled streets right in front of the invisible line. One more step could potentially seal your fate of becoming a Black Swan. You just wanted to see how they lived that's all, you told yourself, and walked forward. Exhilaration and adrenaline coursed through your veins, and you couldn't help but smile at your rebellion.

When you got to a particular street, you heard the distant thud of the bass which you assumed was from a nightclub. The music led you to a building that had neon lights placed on the brickwork and although it spewed unfiltered temptation, you had honestly never seen something so beautiful. You walked towards the entrance where a group of young men lingered, fumes from whatever they were smoking emitting from their mouths. The low light lit up their ethereal features and if you thought the lights were hypnotising...well you were wrong. In no time you had caught their attention and as you approached the threshold, one of them had stood in your way.

"Well what do we have here?" one said with a deep voice,  a boyish smirk contrasting his sharp, angular scrutinising eyes.

You said nothing as he inhaled more toxic fumes, tilting his head up as he blew the smoke away from you and you couldn't help but draw your eyes to the intricate tattoo on his neck. He noticed where your gaze was pointed and seemed to put two and two together.

Kim Seokjin OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now