Broken is all I feel

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Broken pieces scattered on the floor, you were ripped away and I don't have you anymore. I thought I found everything I was looking for. I looked into my future and all I saw were open doors. I am looking to the future now And struggle to see that anymore. I cut off all my hair, and I sent up a prayer. Really sucks when what gets taken away from you is the thing you you've been longing for. When I think about it, I realize how deep it cuts. I think back to all the days and nights I spent praying for something like it. In the mornings, waking up thinking about this one....solitary thing and how desperately I wanted and needed it to be part of my life.  knew I could not do it on my own and I would need a little help. I look at the situation and I ask myself.....Why did this come into my life it was if it was going to just be taken away. It picked up my hopes and had me riding high. Gave me hopes for the future thinking I would not have to cry and I would have the freedom I so desperately wanted. Broken is all I feel. Broken pieces scattered on the floor. Broken is all I feel. I guess this is the war. I'll paint my face and darken my eyes. I will wipe away all the cries. Broken is all I feel not sure if I'm strong enough for this fight but it doesn't matter anymore. I've got a taste of it and I want more. I'm going to fight this is war so one day I won't have to say.....broken is all I feel.

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