Chapter 1

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Aquamarine flew over the long ocean, her wings flapping in the wind. Water dripped off them, filling the ocean one drop at a time. She was holding onto Ruby's hair, the Ruby that the Steven had dubbed 'Eyeball.' Ruby didn't like that name, she preferred her own name.

"I can't believe we let them win!" Ruby finally spoke in her gravelly voice. She crossed her arms, her one eye looking down at the water they were flying over to look for land they could stop on.

"Well, we would have gotten the Steven if you kept a tighter grip on your chisel." Aquamarine scowled, trying her best to keep in the sky. Ruby took immediate offense to this. "My fault? You're the one who distracted me! Talkin' 'bout those movies.." She growled.

Aquamarine rolled her eyes, scoffing at the same time. She could've admitted fault, but Ruby was also at fault; they both were. If they had payed a little more attention, MyDad wouldn't have been able to grab the chisel and cut his hair off.

A while passed and it was starting to get dark. Aquamarine's wings began to grow tired, more and more of the water beginning to fall off her wings. "Ruby, is there any land nearby?" She asked, struggling to multi-task talking and flying. "Yeah, over there." A response came, as well as Ruby pointing at a nearby island that was just out of the blue creature's eyeline. Aquamarine sighed in relief and immediately flew over.

The two's landing wasn't exactly pretty, Ruby had fallen on her back harshly, due to Aquamarine's tire, she just dropped her. Aquamarine herself was too tired to care, she landed face first and skidded in ground for a second. They both got up, Aquamarine brushing the dirt off her face.

The two were surrounded by trees, Ruby noticed. Her back stung, oddly enough. She didn't know gems could feel this kind of pain. There were bushes and shrubs around. Aquamarine was too busy cleaning her face off to notice.

Ruby growled, ready to snap an insult at Aquamarine, but she seemed to stop when she noticed how the blue one had landed. It was ungraceful and dirty. That wasn't how she normally landed. They had been flying for a while, maybe she was tired? Gems don't get tired. Ruby questioned the act, maybe she was overthinking, but Aquamarine isn't one to do something ungraceful. She was always graceful, calm, sassy, and pretty. Ruby shook the thought out of her head, a dark red falling upon her cheeks.

Ruby didn't want to point it out, but also wanted to give Aquamarine some time to lay down. Maybe she could give into human tradition and have a nap. "Hey, Aqua?" Ruby paused, getting the attention of Aquamarine. She was still wiping the dirt off her face. "Do you wanna rest?" She offered. "I can make a little.. bed thing."

Aquamarine perked up at the suggestion, she did need rest. She pushed herself, it would be good to swallow her pride and get help. She nodded, not sure she would be able to say it outloud. Ruby chuckled and walked over to her, patting her head lightly – Much to Aquamarine's dismay – and walked to a nearby bush.

Ruby grabbed a bunch of leaves and sticks, mushing some leaves together and forming a nest-like shape. To support it, so it didn't fall apart, she put some of the sticks in the nest. Ruby made sure it would be comfortable for Aquamarine. Ruby would do anything for Aquamarine, even if she didn't want to admit it. The two would have a friendly relationship if they would act like how they thought of the other.

Aquamarine finally got all the dirt off her face. "Aqua! Bed's done!" Ruby shouted at Aquamarine, a small smile on her face. Aquamarine smiled back for a second, a sincere smile. Ruby felt something whirl in what would be her stomach. Her face became that dark shade of red again while watching Aquamarine jump into the nest and curl up like a cat. She closed her eyes, Ruby knew when she was asleep, and she wasn't. Aquamarine liked sleeping surprisingly, she said it was a way to gain her strength again. When Aquamarine slept, she snored lightly. She could go to the extent of calling it cute.

Ruby sat next to the nest. She waited for the sound of Aquamarine's soft snoring, resting her left hand on her knee. A small part of her wanted to crawl into the nest with her, snuggle close for warmth, even though she was warm enough as is. She didn't even like sleeping. She didn't understand these feelings. Maybe it was just the protective ruby part of her that wanted to keep her crew member safe.

Her thought process was interrupted by Aquamarine's soft breathing. Ruby turned to look at her, a soft smile on her face. Her eye softened. She reached out her hand and ruffled Aquamarine's hair carefully. Ruby watched her chest rise up and down in a pattern. It was hypnotic. Ruby had to pull her eye away.

Ruby looked where her body pointed, away from the makeshift nest. She kept her eye out for any organics. She raised her hand to her gem, running her palm over it. The gem was smooth but had edges. It made a square in the center. She shuddered at the touch, a small tinge of red creeping up her face. She snapped her arm to her side, trying to shake that feeling off her gem.

The night sky was beautiful, really. Aquamarine was resting so peacefully. Ruby thought it was a perfect night, though she wasn't quite sure why. Everything about Earth was weird. Everything about Earth made her weird. She both hated and loved it. Ruby turned around to get another look at Aquamarine. A tint of dark red falling over her face and her stomach whirling. It felt weird, but in a good way.

She could get used to Earth.

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