well kept secret

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"jamal!" you yell, as soon as you look in the mirror that morning. you had stayed the night at his place, things had gotten a little heated between the two of you, and the hickey that he had left on your neck was a dead giveaway,

"what?" jamal walks out of the bathroom, his toothbrush still in his mouth.

"look," you walk over to him, tilting your neck to the side so he can get a better look at your neck. "i'm staying at ellie's house on saturday, i can't go with this on my neck."

you throw a frown his way when he starts laughing at your reaction.

"won't some makeup cover it up or something?"

"i mean it's going to have to do, but if they see it i swear to god," you tell him, shaking your head as you watch him walk back into the bathroom laughing to himself.


"you next, y/n," bella says walking towards you, face mask in hand. she had just got done with putting one on ellie's face and now it was your turn. she opened the packet, getting her applicator before applying it on your face. "what's that?"

she points at your neck and your stomach immediately drops, knowing what she was pointing to straight away. you had tried, that morning, to cover it up, applying layer after layer of concealer. it was still somewhat visible, but you didn't think that they would pay any attention to it, you also didn't think that you would be having an entire pamper night, leading to someone else applying your face mask.

"is it a hickey?" ellie said, making her way over when she heard bella questioning what it was.

both girls looked at you with shocked expressions on their faces when your face gave away the fact that it was a hickey.

"oh my god, who did it? bella exclaimed. "how did we not know you were seeing someone?"

"we didn't want to tell anyone," you say, looking slightly embarrassed.

"we? who's we? the only guy i've ever seen you talk to this year is that guy in our english..." ellie trails off, her eyes widening even more than they already were. "holy shit, it's the guy you sit next to in english, isn't it?"

you sheepishly nod, knowing what she said was true. you didn't sit next to any other boys in any of your other classes, and you didn't have any male friends, so it could only be him.

"how long?" bella asks.

"we got together in november."

"november?" bella and ellie both yell at the same time.

"it's april, y/n. how the hell have you managed to pull this one off?" ellie is amazed by the news she's just found out, pacing the room as if she doesn't know what to do with herself.

"i'm good at keeping secrets," you shrug.

both girls sit down in front of you on the bed, legs crossed, as they lean in towards you.

"spill. we want every single dirty secret about everything that has happened in the last six months or so," bella said, and you do. you tell them everything. from the moment you met to the moment you got the mark on your neck a couple of days ago. 

SCHOOL SECRETS; JAMAL MUSIALA {mini story}Where stories live. Discover now