I have nieces?

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Word Count 354
Tony's P.O.V.

I was working in my lab. On my suit when I got a call.

"Tony," I said. "Hello, Mr. Stark this is the New York police department." Said a woman.

"Is everything okay?" I asked. "The world isn't ending again is it?!?!" I asked worriedly. "No sir. Were you aware that you had a younger sister Sally Jackson-Blofis?" She asked.

"What! No I'm sorry you must be mistaken, I don't have a sister." I said. "You do sir it turns out that your younger sister was taken at birth by your father, and given to another family the Jackson's, we did a DNA test she is... was your sister. She didn't know about you either." She explained.

"Wait was... What happened to her?" I asked and my voice cracked. "I'm very sorry to say that she was murdered along with her second husband Paul Blofis." The woman said. I had a sister but I couldn't save her. Just like I couldn't save my parents.

"Oh..." was all I could say. I had a little sister I should've grown up with her but dad didn't want her, and why because she was a girl? That's not fair! Just when I thought I couldn't hate my 'father' anymore. I can't believe my mother didn't do anything to stop him she let him give away my sister.

"Mr. Stark the reason I'm calling is to inform you that your sister had two daughters Persephone Andromeda Jackson who has just turned 17, and Estelle Jackson-Blofis who is 9 months old. They're still alive and they have nowhere to live. You are their only living relative, and we want to ask if you would adopt them otherwise they'll go into an orphanage." explained the officer.

"Yes, I'll adopt them!" I said quickly. I may not have been able to save my sister, and her husband but I will protect her children.

"Okay, then sir please come down to the station to pick them up, be warned that Persephone is in shock right now and very upset." stated the woman. "Okay, I'll be there soon." I said.

I walked out got in the car and headed to the station.

I hope you enjoyed that chapter please vote and comment bye! I'll update soon.

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