{ 🩷🤎 }

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Blame and Paisley were cuddling on Paisley's couch together one afternoon, simply enjoying each other's company in relative silence excluding the occasional random sounds coming from each of their phones. After a while, Paisley placed her phone beside her and rested her head on Blame's shoulder in a huff.

"Sup, dawg?" Blame asked without diverting his doom scroll gaze, though he did move his phone from his right hand to his left so he could stroke her hair for some mild comfort.

"Nothing, just kinda bored..." She replied matter-of-factly. "I wanna do something fun, but I don't know what." Blame thought for a moment before finally putting his phone down as he remembered an activity he knew she'd definitely consider fun.

"Why don't we go for a drive, dawg? We haven't done that in forever." Paisley's eyes lit up hearing that suggestion, he was right.

"YES!" She bounced up off of the sofa and giddily hopped on the spot, shaking her clenched fists in pure unbridled excitement. Blame, equally as excited despite not showing it half as much, lifted himself up along side her and nodded to her as the two made their way out of the house and into Paisley's car, the same one she uses almost every day to film in. They eagerly sat themselves down in the comfortable padded seats, turned the radio to a high volume and allowed themselves to relax as they felt the rumble of the car engine activating. Blame put his right hand on the wheel, his left arm rested on top of the headrest of Paisley's seat, and his foot firmly down on the gas pedal, and off they sped. Paisley wound down her window and shuffled to the edge of her seat so that she could poke her head out of it, laughing at how violent the wind was against her face. Blame glanced at her every few minutes, he always found it fascinating how much joy she could rinse out of experiences he'd never given a second thought to, and how just the sight of her wide careless smile effortlessly passed that joy on to him. He intentionally swerved more recklessly around corners just so he could hear her spontaneous giggles and squeals, ever so slightly muffled by the harsh breeze. After a while, Paisley ducked her head back into the car and slid back into the center of her seat after remembering a piece of drama that she'd forgotten to tell Blame about, to which he listened with interest. She explained something that Courtney had made her aware of in the friend group, Paisley always got her drama stories from Courtney since she seemed to be friends with almost everyone and could see said dramas from every perspective, but after explaining the drama in full Paisley realized she'd never asked Blame about his personal friendship group dramas before, so she thought now was an appropriate first time.

"You know what, I wanna ask you about your friendship dramas now. Do you have any?" She asked, her head tilted slightly so she could get a better look at Blame's face without forcing him to take his eyes off the road.

"Nah, nothin." He replied unbothered as he shrugged his shoulders.

"Nothing at all?" Paisley questioned, admittedly sceptical. She figured that male friend groups probably wouldn't have as much drama as female friend groups do, but she doubted there was none at all. "I don't believe you." She quipped bluntly with a sarcastic tone, she crossed her arms as she leaned back into her seat.

"I mean, there might be, but I ain't close enough to nobody to know." He explained "I don't think I've got enough friends for there to be any drama, dawg."

"How many friends do you have?" She asked as soon as the question came to her "Like CLOSE friends, people you talk to on the regular." she felt the need to clarify, Blame was one of those people who 'didn't have acquaintances', he considered everyone he knew on a basic level a friend.

"Um..." He thought for a moment. "Well there's Ignacio, obviously." He mentioned his childhood best friend, the very first friend he ever made that he was still extremely close with and did in fact talk to on the regular. Paisley looked at him patiently, expecting him to continue the list, but he couldn't think of anyone else he could add. "Damn, that's it..." His eyebrows curved downward slightly as he realised, Paisley noticed this expression change and uncrossed her arms, glancing at the footwell.

CAR RIDE GONE WRONG!! (NOT CLICKBAIT)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang