3 - Snowy Shelter.

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We kept walking for 3 hours at least, and Bambi looked like he was gonna give up to the cold.

"It's- so f-fucking cold out h-here..."

He was shivering violently, and his teeth were visibly chattering. Welp... can't really do anything about it, rather than giving him warmth somehow.

"Yeah I know."

Bambi stopped in his tracks.

"H-How long h-have w-we been w-walking?.."

"3 hours."

Bambi groaned.

"I'm f-freezing m-my ass o-off."

Then, another portal opened up. This time, in the sky.



The portal shot out a wheelchair, which hit Bambi's head, knocking him out. It must've hit hard.

"Great, fuck."

Then, Dave got shot out, and the portal closed.

"Uugghh... what the hell.."

Dave slowly got up, and went to get on his wheelchair, realizing it had hit Bambi

"BAMBI! Shit..."

"Yeah your damn wheelchair hit him in the head, knocking him out. Probably gave him a migraine."

Dave got into his wheelchair eventually.

"Where the hell are we?"

"ALT Banter's hellhole."

Dave looked around, seeing the vast snow, and nothing else for miles.


He looked down at the snow.

"If we can't find a shelter, we're gonna have to make one."

"Wow. So we're gonna just live in an igloo now? Is that what you're saying?"

"If we have to. What guarantee would ALT Banter make a shack, a house, or any type of shelter when he wants his subjects to die of the cold, freezing to death without any type of warmth to help them live through this icy hellhole of absolute misery?"

I stood there in silence.

"...yeah I guess so."

"Good, now let's get building."

We started to build the shelter out of snow. It only took a few moments.
I dragged Bambi and Bandu inside when we were done, and Dave and me just sat down.
We sat there for a few moments in silence, not really knowing what to do at this moment. There was really nothing to do besides trying to keep Bambi and Bandu as warm as possible until they woke up.
...there has got to be a way out of this somehow.

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