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      When I was younger, I used to run away to the forest. Away from my mother, her husband, and their 'loving family.' The only sibling I felt closest to was Mira. She is the closest in age to me, and she had similar interests. Sometimes Mira would run away with me. The pond we went to was anything but special. At least, it wasn't special for me. The pond water was clear, but it was covered in lily pads and the occasional flower from the trees overhead. Mira always sat on the left side of the pond. I could try and come up with some absurd reason to explain her preference, but I just concluded that she liked that side the most. Maybe the water smelled fresher, or she had a clearer view of the pond. She fully embraced the unpleasant side of the forest. I would stay with her and collect amphibians and insects to dissect later. The first time she spoke to me at the pond she said, "Do you think anyone has died in this pond?" I remember looking at her and saying "yeah" with the biggest smile on my face. Despite that, I preferred the waterfall. It calmed me, and it helped prevent me from doing something rash. The pond just fueled the fire within me.

     Looking to my right, I watch Grim play with his new toy. Persia brought it over after our coffee date, and to say Grim was excited would be an understatement. For some reason unbeknownst to me, he has an obsession with skeletons. His big ass got the zoomies and ran to every room in the house, minus the basement. Now he's much calmer with the way he pulls and tugs at the skull. Watching him play, my mind shifts to yesterday. I'm tempted to go to the cafe again purely to see that gorgeous face again. The feeling I had before excited me, and I was desperate to feel it again. This is probably due to the fact that the last time I felt this was 11 years ago.

     I groan as I check my watch and see the time. I have to head to my office soon. Gathering all my essentials, I kiss Grim on the head, turn off some lights, and I start the journey to my office. Kyle Moraine had only been to one session, but he was already a client I looked forward to seeing. I could tell he wasn't too convinced that what he had was a gift, but I'm determined to change his mind. Sitting at the red light, my mind drifts to the person in the cafe. They had completely washed away my plans of finding someone to spend the night with. But my small infatuation with them is not one of lust, no. I would never think about harming any of the pretty little hairs on their head. But in order to date them, I have to get them to notice me.

     Kyle arrives at my office fifteen minutes after I do. Mrs. Moraine is a very punctual woman. Just by talking with her over the phone and speaking with her in person, I can tell that she is very traditional. As she talks about her son to me she completely ignores the teen and acts as if she is ashamed to be in his presence. She reminds me of my own mother in that way. The teen is obviously anxious as he eyes the room carefully. "Kyle, it's nice to see you again. How have you been after our last session?" I smile down at him as I wait patiently for his response. He seems to hesitate and licks his lips as he slowly looks up at me. "I've been...fine. Uh, I saw that man again, and he doesn't creep me out anymore." I smile at him as I write down my findings in my notes. He's telling the truth, but something else is bothering him. I didn't work my ass off to just ignore the signs of someone who is mentally distressed.

     My phone flashes and alerts me that I have a message from Mira. Oddly, she rarely texts or calls me. I ignore it and tap my fingers one by one on the surface of my desk. I know he sees something now. Every sharp inhale piques my curiosity, and I finally get up and move to various places around the room. I set the temperature at sixty-five degrees every time I am in the office. So, there is no reason for the spot next to the door to be warm, or the spot behind Kyle to be cold. "He may not scare you but let's cut to the chase. Who does scare you? Is it a family member that has already passed on, or maybe, is it someone that sends a chill up your spine? I can help you; I just need you to let me help you. What is said in this room stays in this room. Understood?" I finally sit down and arch my brow at him. Slowly, I start to see him open up. His shoulders sag, his legs stop bouncing, and he breathes in deeply. 

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