Cheating PT 1

407 6 3

All are 18+.

It was cruel. The whole situation. they'd Both fucked around. When stiles was pissed he'd fuck anyone he found at the club or the bar. For Derek it was tinder and grinder. They both were not angels. Maybe that's why they stayed together. Cuz how terrible they both were made them connected. They both were so fucked up they depended on each other. And at the end of the day they loved each other. Lustful love, puppy love, platonic love, true love. Derek would kill for stiles and stiles would die for Derek. And they'd for live for each other. But one small fight could make all the worthless. And they had a small fight. Derek was the jealous type. Sometimes to much. They'd gone out to eat at a diner and there waitress was very handsy with stiles. Derek was furious. He wanted to kill her with his bare hands right then and there in that booth. He wanted to go home and make stiles smell like him. He didn't care how. he just had to. he needed people to realize that stiles was his. But stiles was starving and didn't wanna leave. Derek sat there sitting in his own anger not listening to anything anyone else said. Stiles had to order for him, say sorry for him, he even had to say thank you for him.

"Your foods getting cold you need to eat." Stiles mumbled. No response. "Hey. I get that your mad but you have to eat.". No response. The waitress walked over "your food alright, guys?" She asked rubbing stiles shoulder slowly. Derek watched her hand like it was a gun. "Yes everything's great!" Stiles replies. "Is he okay?" She asked. "Yeah he's fine. My buddy's not the talkative type." He chuckled. Derek shot a look to him as he said buddy. "I'm not your fucking buddy..." was all he could think. "He's cute. Does he have a girlfriend?" She asked. "No. Why?" Stiles Inquired. "Well my friend over there..." she motioned to a blond waitress cleaning tables "she just got out of a relationship and I think he'd be perfect for her. She's pretty talkative so I think they'd go perfect." She chuckled. Stiles stopped for a minute. He stared into Dereks anger and resentful eyes staring at her hand. He thought if he's gonna be a dick why can't stiles. "Oh he'd love that. Why don't you write her number on his hand. So he doesn't forget it." He suggested she smiled "sounds good." She said while pulling a sharpie. He grabbed Dereks hand roughly and held it up. Before Derek could register what was happening to begin with he had 10 digits written on his hand. His hand fell onto the table and the waitress left with a wink at stiles. Derek head rose to meet stiles. If fire could be in a person eyes Dereks would be hell. He bundled his hands into fist as stiles smirked. "She's pretty. I know your not really into blondes anymore but I think you'll like her." Stiles giggled. "We need to leave.." Derek said. "We've been here for 20 minutes. Eat your goddamn food." Stiles retorted. "Stiles... we have to go now." He mumbled. Maybe it was the way he said his name or maybe the look in his eyes but stiles stopped smiling. "Let me pay and tip then we can go, okay." He answered. Stiles sat down a 30 dollar bill with 10 dollars next to it. Derek grabbed his wrist and walked him out. they got in Derek car and sat there for a minute. Stiles slowly grabbed Derek's hand. "Hey..." Derek opened his eyes. He looked at stiles who had a sad look on his face. "Don't... just fucking don't." Derek mumbled. Stiles pulled his hand away and his face changed from sad to mad. "Why the fuck do I even fucking try with you." Stiles mumbled to himself. "Oh fuck you. I'm so tired of that shit. Your acting like I'm being fucking unreasonable. IM NOT THE ONE BASICALLY FINGERING THE WAITRESS IN FRONT OF YOU." Derek growled. "Fingering? what the fuck? You... omg... I FUCKING CANT. IM NOT FUCKING CHEATING ON YOU WHEN IM TALKING TO ANYONE OTHER THEN YOU! I DIDNT TOUCH HER ONCE! I DID NOTHING! YOUR THE ONE WHO SAT THERE LIKE I KILLED YOUR DOG!" Stiles yelled. "MAYBE I WOULDN'T HAVE TO ACT LIKE YOUR ALWAYS CHEATING IF EVERY TIME I PISSED YOU OFF YOU DIDN'T GO FUCK ANYONE WHO WAS WILLING!" Derek shouted "YOUR ONE TO MOTHERFUCKING TALK! YOU ACT LIKE IM FUCKING STUPID AND I DON'T SEE THE FUCKING APPS YOU GOT!" Stiles screamed. "OH LORD FORBID!! YOU FUCKING STARTED THIS SHIT!! YOU WENT OFF AND FUCKED PEOPLE WAY BEFORE I DID! YOU THINK I FUCKING WANT THIS?! I FUCKING WISH WE DIDN'T HAVE TO BE LIKE THIS! BUT YOU CANT HANDLE ANY SORT OF CONFRONTATION WITHOUT SLUTTING YOURSELF OUT TO PEOPLE WHO DON'T KNOW WHAT A PIECE OF SHIT YOU ARE!"

They fought like that for a hour. Eventually stiles left and walked home. Derek was to pissed to give a shit about the fact that is was 30 degrees outside and almost 11:00 pm. He thought for a minute before coming to a discussion he drove to Lydia's house. She was home alone like every Tuesday. He knocked on the door and she answered.

"Derek? What are you doing here?" Lydia asked. "Uhm... well me and stiles got into a fight.." Derek mumbled. "Oh. I'm sorry. why don't you come in?" Lydia said with a comforting smile. "That'd be nice."

I'm sure I don't have to explain what happened. Let's just say Lydia was... very affectionate. The next day was a pack meeting. Everyone piled into Scott's house. Except Lydia and Derek. And when they got there they came in Derek's car together. Lydia said her car wouldn't start that morning so she called Derek.... Did they really think a dumbass alibi like that would get past stiles

"Yeah Derek was so sweet to help me out." Lydia remarked to Malia. Stiles sat on the couch silent. Listening to everything. Something in him knew already but the rest held out hope. "He didn't. Not after everything." And "she wouldn't do that to me." Ran in his head until he heard Derek. "Yeah I didn't get much sleep last night.." Derek mumbled "Why not?" Isaac asked "Busy night." Derek chuckled. Stiles knew. Right then and there that he did and she would. He wasn't even mad. He thought it was funny. He knew he should be mad and be crying but he was holding back laughter. He gathered his stuff together. "Where you going sti?" Scott asked gaining Derek's attention. "Oh I uhm.. I've got stuff to do dude. I gotta go." He said holding back giggles. "Ok... see ya man." Scott replied. Stiles left and walked to his car. Derek followed suit. Before stiles could open his door Derek grabbed his wrist. He was Expecting to see tears but no. Stiles face was red from laughing. Derek was visibly confused. "You fucked Lydia?" Stiles laughed. "The women I've loved since elementary school!" He was hysterical. "I'm so sorry stiles." Derek mumbled. "It's all good! Oh my god!" He giggled. "I guess you didn't matter that much or something cuz I have no clue why I'm so happy!" Dereks face changed from confusion and sympathy to pure sorrow. "If I'd known I'd be this happy about you fucking her I would have broken up with your months ago." Stiles chuckled. "Well. Shit I gotta go. It was nice seeing you Man. Hey I hope she likes my sloppy seconds or something." He laughed. he got into his car a drove off. Derek stood there absolutely broken. He was so mad at himself. He doesn't even like Lydia. He doesn't even like women! He just wanted stiles to feel how fucked he felt 24/7. He'd just lost the only thing that was keeping him from killing himself cuz of a stupid fight...

Stiles drove to his house He closed and locked the door he was still laughing. He slid down the door laughing. And before he knew it the laughter turned to sobbing. He was crying out hysterically. He was babbling and kicking. He was puddle of snot and tears. "What the fuck Derek! How the fuck could he?!" He sat there for what felt like hours. Eventually he slinked himself up the stairs and too his room. He sat down on his bed and looked in the mirror. He looked disgusting. He didn't know what to do with himself. He couldn't go back to Derek. Not after that. What the hell could he do. He thought of the only thing he knew how to do without fail. He called a fuck buddy over. His dad shouldn't be home till late so who even cared. Before long he was welcoming a 6'6 tall buff guy covered in tattoos with a black eye and a split lip. He looked like a 19 year old and a 50 year old at the same time. "It's been a while." The guy chuckled. "Yeah." Stiles mumbled. "You okay?" He asked. Stiles looked up at him. "I need you to make me feel good, okay?" Stiles asked. The guy licked his lips. "I don't know how much I can contribute but just... I feel like I'm dying... please..." stiles begged. "You had me at I need." The man said. He ended up on his bed face down ass up. He tried his best to stay in the moment. The guy rapped his hand around his neck and pulled him up. "Your such a good bitch." He growled. Stiles closed his eyes. Imagining anyone else but this dirty guy. Eventually he got there and for 20 seconds he felt good. His body shook and trembled and fell limp. The large man pulled out stood up. He slapped stiles ass and smiled. Then he got dressed and left. Stiles thought for a long time laying there. Eventually he realized something.... He came to the conclusion that revenge would taste really good right about now.

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