Part 2: chapter 2

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I stood at the outer end of the covered bridge.  My wand was gripped tightly in my hand. I hadn't entirely tested my fathers threat since that night. I didn't really want to either. 

I began to take one step off when I could see a dark figure off in the trees waiting for me. I couldn't see any features so I wasn't sure if it was my father or someone that worked for him.

The winter breeze blew past giving me the chills. I had borrowed Poppy's coat this time.

Maybe I could just aparate and buy a coat in Hogsmead?

My father probably has men there already.

"I've never seen someone hesitate so much to take a step.." cerus's voice made me jump out of my skin. I put a hand on the hand rail to steady myself as I turned around. He was leaning in the rail of the bridge. Wearing obviously new warmer clothes he'd probably gotten in town.

"Why can't you just go home?" I begged.

"Why won't you step off school grounds?"

I sighed, he definitely was a different Cerus. The old Cerus wouldn't have cared enough to ask. "My father said that if I stepped off school grounds I'd be hunted down." I pointed my wand directly at where the dark figure stood in waiting.

Cerus followed my point and gave a small 'Ah' in acknowledgement. "Well that is worrisome."

"I've been wanting to go into town to get a coat so I can stop borrowing Poppy's or Sebastian's."

"Hogsmead is the other direction.." he sounded worried for my sanity.

"I was seeing if every way out was watched."

Cerus looked around before walking up to me.

"Hey, I'm not comfortable with that." I started to say as he rolled his eyes and grabbed my shoulder aparating us somewhere different.

I glanced around quickly. "Diagon Alley?" I asked. I hadn't been here since I came with Professor Fig before my fifth year.

"He wouldn't expect you to come here. So go buy your coat. I'm going for a drink."  He stalked off towards the Leaky Cauldron leaving me in front a clothing store.

I peaked in slowly where a saw a women sowing something while a bewitched sowing needle did the same behind her.

"Excuse me? Do you happen to have any winter coats already made?"

At the sound of my voice the lady's head snapped up. She stood up abruptly scaring the bewitched needle next to her.

"Have I finally done it? My shop if so popular an American has come all this way just to see it?"

It's really not that big a deal.

"Yes?" I lied. I hadn't even seen the name of the shop.

"Come in! Come in!" She walked from behind the desk. She was a stout lady but had one of the sweetest smiles. "You need a whole wardrobe?" She asked a bit too excited.

"No, only a winter coat. I'm borrowing my friends at the moment."

She pulled a yellow measuring tape from no wear and after she made me stand in front of a mirror with my arms out she began measuring.

"You're a student?" She asked eagerly glancing at my uniform.

"I am,"


"Hufflepuff, ma'am."

"Ooo my sister was in Hufflepuff but I was sorted into Ravenclaw. I didn't know they let Americans go there now."

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