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as soon as she said that quinn bloody and bruised body got send out the door and and right on top of anika and sereyah's mouth forced from shock. anika saw the body and screamed at all the blood and the body next to her now.

chad, rey, and tara all booted to the door quickly and ghostface tried to stop them not focusing on the three already inside. rey pushing tara in front of her to beeline for the door that ghostface closed before rey could get out and the momentum caused her to fall on her back, back into the apartment.

she groaned at the wind getting knocked out of her and quickly came to her senses seeing ghostface at the top of her as mindy came a blocked a hit that was meant for rey which caused her to get sliced in the arm. she fell on the couch and ghostface made a run for her but anika who was still on the floor grabbed ghostface's legs yelling, "step the fuck back!"

he started choking her and sereyah got up to go find something in the kitchen with sam only to find everything pointy in the kitchen completely gone sereyah yelled, "what the hell!?"

they heard anika scream out in pain and sam grabbed the knife holder and ran up to ghostface with rey behind behind her, "hey!" sam yelled out.

ghostface turned only to be knocked by the wooden knife holder. and sereyah stomped on their knee and they all made a run for the room as he got up and quickly as he could. sereyah being the one who closed the door couldn't miss the knife the he swiped to get anybody that she barley felt a giant scratch going down her arm. she locked the door as sam and her went in front of it and ghostface banged.

sereyah looked down to see blood all over her arm coming from the slice, "fucking shit." she groaned feelings the pain hit her and more blood ran down.

sam told mindy, "bathroom door hurry."

mindy went and was thrown off by quinn's date complete apart in her bathtub, "oh fuck! that guys dead!"

only to look up and see ghostface himself at the other door and she quickly tried to close it only for him to block it. she sighed the movements of his knife to try and close the second door.

they got it closed but he never tried to stop breaking it which caused mindy and sereyah to put all their weight on it to keep it closed. sam grabbed the dresser to help and put it on the door with rey, sam, and mindy all leaning against it.

anika sat on the bed holding her stomach groaning in pain. they all glanced for a way out and sam saw danny, aka cute boy, at the window across from them and looked at sereyah who nodded as a way to tell her they got this.

danny yelled when sam opened it, "hey!"

sereyah and mindy looked at eachother with tears in their eyes. this doesn't look to good.

sam turned around and told them , "you three have to go first! mindy!"

"what? no!" mindy said, "someone has to hold the door i'll send these two next. go!"

sam looked at sereyah who told her, "go sam!"

sam went across and once she was there sereyah told them "you guys go, i'll hold the door!"

mindy shook her head, "i'm not!"

"you don't have a choice, i'll be fine go!" mindy looked at her unconvinced and sereyah did her best to come up with a smile, "go."

mindy walked and carried anika to window, "you go first."


"you have too." mindy cried.

"mindy i'll be right behind you, go, i promise." they saw sereyah struggle more and more with the door and mindy quickly grabbed her face to kiss her.

sam yelled, "mindy come on! you got to get over here!"

mindy went grunting in pain and sereyah looked at anika, "okay you get ready, you're going before me."

anika shook her, "no, you-"

"we're not doing this again, anika!"

anika shook her head more, "sereyah! it's going to be fine, go!"

sereyah fixed the dresser to be more in front of the door. and decided to do something else, "okay. we're going together, we're the lightest, your coming too and i'll help you, okay?"

"that's too much of a risk, reya!"

"one i'm willing to take, come on!" sereyah went to window getting ready.

anika nodded, "okay but you go first."

sereyah nodded and they went to start.

sereyah started and looked down, she wasn't afraid of heights but the weight on her arm was painful and making her nervous. when she got a little more out the way she turned motioned anika to come who started and yelled while crying and looking down. she felt the pain in her stomach and cried out, "i can't do it."

reya glanced back at her, "yes you fucking can ani, come on!"

they got halfway and sereyah heard the door being destined and she cried, "ani, come in you got it. don't think about it, come on." she kept yelling and she made it a bit over halfway with ani behind her.

she felt the ladder move a bit since the both were in middle and went to move up some more. she heard them stop yelling and ani said, "what?"

mindy yelled, "you guys have to move now!"

they both looked back and and sereyah moved faster and looked back, "please any come on. please! please!"

she cried out and yelled anika to move as fast as she could.

anika yelled, "no, god, please no!"

they all across yelled, "sereyah, anika, you have to move!"

sereyah looked back and tried to pulled anika as close as she could without moving the ladder too much. ghostface stuck his knife in the window seal. and states moving the ladder. sereyah tried to grab both anika and the ladder but it was backfiring. she felt it started to move and she cried, "keeping going anika, please."

sereyah started to feel herself move with the way ghostface was moving the ladder and tried to move forward some more but the blood on her hands was making it hard. she kind've went blank and thought this was where she died. ghostface moved the ladder harder and sereyah was able to move a few more places getting closer to the apartment.

anika yelled, "baby i don't want to die!"

she looked to mindy and sereyah tried to take her too but he was moving it harder. sereyah being closer to the apartment turned and told anika, "grab my hand anika, grab my hand!" she cried as she was being moved around by the movements.

before their hands could touch ghostface moved the ladder again even harder and anika's grip being interfered with because of the blood caused her to fall off. sereyah couldn't even hear her screams as she went down because ghostface twisted and shook it even harder to get sereyah off and sereyah cried trying to reach out for sam who was reaching out to her.

ghostface shook it and rey found herself about to fall off before danny reached out and grabbed both her arms . he had to grab the spot where she was cut which caused her to cry out in pain. they were regripping as she was hanging out the window with the blood running all on her arms. hers mixed with anika's. the ladder fell down long forgotten leaving sereyah crying hoping they'll be able to grab her. sam helps and grabbed her arms too and her and danny pulled her up.

sereyah instantly laid in the floor crying two words over and over again, "i'm sorry. i'm sorry."

midny not hearing her and was basically hanging out the window looking down at anika crying. sam next to her watching ghostface pull his knife out the window seal and walk out of their sight.

one of my favorite to write so far.
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