Chapter 2

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"That just doesn't sound like Dean." Cas began as he started to walk me home. "I knew I should have been watching over you." He sighed.
"You can't do anything about it now. Let's just forget it ever happened."

But it was impossible to forget about what happened. Because two weeks later, something life changing happened.
I walked out of the bathroom and stared at Cas, who was lying on the bed staring at the ceiling. He sat up as soon as he saw me enter.
"What's wrong? What's in your hand?" He asked.
"A test...A..A pregnancy test. I'm...Dean got me pregnant." I stumbled.
"He...he did?" Cas looked at the floor. "Oh..Dean..We better find him then."
I grabbed on to his arm before he could flash out. "No...Why would he care? He's not Dean anymore."
Cas stared deeply into my eyes. "He's Dean somewhere in there. He is just trapped. We have to find him. You need him."
I followed Cas into the kitchen, where he started summoning Dean. Or at least the demon holding him captive.
Dean appeared, grunting as he noticed the demon trap above his head.
He clapped slowly, smiling demonicly. "Good job, Cas. Now what are you going to do to me?"
His voice was evil and heartless. Yet at the same time, it was still Dean's sweet, gritty voice.
"Dean.." I said, quietly.
"He's not living here anymore, Sweetheart. But man did he do a number on you, huh?"
"Dean didn't do this!!" I screamed. Cas grabbed hold of me before I could run at him.
"But he watched. And he enjoyed it!"
"Alright. You've done enough.." Cas said. He began to exorcise him.
The demon chuckled and flung Cas aside. I swallowed hard and finished the chant. I was surprised I remembered it. Dean spent days trying to drill it in my head.
I saw Dean fall to the floor and I quickly collected him in my arms.
"Dean..." I placed my hand to his cheek.
This is so bad xD I was just bored.

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2015 ⏰

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