Loving Her

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🎶 Cherf volant - Bruno Coulais



»She was just so everything. She was sweet and cute; smart and educated; humble and caring, while at the same time being an absolute show off with a superior complex and always an arrogant comment on her sinful lips waiting to be spit out. And if you ever dared to disrespect her she'd hit you right in the face with one of her little speeches and even if it were 'just' words it would be twice as painful as a punch from her fists would be. She was competitive, always trying to be better than everyone and doing everything to reach her goals just to set even higher ones to work towards again. She would never stop being or doing any of those things but the best thing in the world was she would never stop loving me either. And I loved her for everything she was, is and will be more than anyone else ever could.«

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