Round Two

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A/N: Though this was a dare, I have the more views on this than anything else! Haha, I decided I'd try to continue it.

You hear knocking on the door. "Shit! What the fuck do they want?" You suddenly lowered your voice. "They didn't find the body, right?" "Nope I hid the body." And started laughing maniacally. You opened the door. "Hello, police here." "No really? I'm not blind." "I wouldn't recommend the attitude, ma'am. We got noise complaints..." He traveled off, clearly finding it awkward. "Oh, that? We were just messing around~" Luckily you two had your clothes back on, but you had the need to continue this. You bent to massage BEN's dick. The police officer, clearly feeling like an intruder and quite un-welcome, blushed and slightly turned away. "U-uh, please just lower the volume you two, or I'll have to give you a fine.." BEN chimed in now, though focusing on not moaning as you continued to touch him. "Okay officer, but can you do is a favor and let us borrow some handcuffs?" "Why Sir?" "Cause I'm feeling quite kinky right now, and I want to play around with my dear Y/N." He threw them and ran off. "Well, well, round two will be so much more fun now, won't it? Babe do we have chocolate?" "We ran out.. But we still have chocolate syrup. Why Benny?" "You'll find out all in due time, love. All in due time. Just keep being patient, I know your still horny..." He trailed off licking the side of your neck and whispering, "I promise, after I get some things you'll get the best fucking hot sex you can dream of Y/N. You'll be screaming my name." "Oh really? Can't wait." You said as he went to grab the syrup and something you assumed he hid.

A/N: Stick around for the next chapter! I did a little tease here, I know! I promise next one will have that hot steamy sex I spoke of. *Is chuckling darkly* Horny fuckersssssss! (Jk my broooooooo GIMMIE HUGZ!)

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2015 ⏰

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