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Jules pov:

"That's my dad," he said. Great, finally Adam gets to meet him again after a long time. Of course I wanted to be polite and say hi so I walked up to him and stuck out my hand. "Hi, my name is Jules, I'm Adam's girlfriend." he looked at it and scoffed then looked at Adam.

"You finally scored someone huh?" He looked back at me and laughed. "You couldn't do any better?" he asked and walked up to the drinks table to fill up a bottle he had in a paper bag. He took a sip out of it and turned around, everyone was looking at him. "Everybody out of my house!!" he yelled and everyone went out immediately. Liam grabbed my hand and looked at me before walking out, he had left a note with his number on it.

When everyone was out of the house his dad walked up to us and stood in front of us just looking. "So, have you missed me?" he asked with a big smile on his face. No one said anything. He walked a little closer to Amy. "Amy, my darling. Looking fine as always" he said and she walked closer to Matt who was standing beside her. I immediately walked closer to Adam after that so he wouldn't touch me.

"What are you doing here?" Adam said, he was furious. "I can't come and visit my family?" he said as he turned around and kept walking back and forth. "They are not your family Andrew '' Jack spoke up behind me. "Of course they are. I am the one paying the pills around here aren't I? I am the one who raised them. I made them!" he said and stopped in front of Adam. "You didn't raise shit" he said and the tears started running down his cheeks.

"Oh really Adam? Who changed your diaper? Who drove you to school everyday? Who paid for your food? And the house you're living in? That's right, me! I paid that, I had to do all that for you to turn out to be little ungrateful shits!" he said.

"You were also the one who hit these ungrateful little shits and mom when you had too much to drink, you were the one who tortured Amy because she wasn't a boy. But then you were also the one who raped her when she was 8 years old because mom didn't give you the satisfaction you wanted! You were the one throwing knives at Alex and Aaron when they didn't do as you said. You were the one who scarred us all with your actions! If you think we will take you back to the family after what you did, you should think again" Adam said as he was walking closer to his dad.

They were standing eye to eye, both with the same anger in their face. "You're glad we haven't called the cops on you yet. Now get the hell out before I beat your ass. Because you know I can." he said as a final word. His dad laughed. "Like I'm gonna listen to you, you couldn't take me down even if you tried." he said and looked him in the eyes.

Just then we heard sirens and saw blue lights. The police pulled up in front of the house and stormed in and put him in handcuffs. We went to the door to watch him get into the car and watched it as it drove away. When we couldn't see it anymore we turned around and closed the door. I immediately hugged Adam and he hugged me back tight. He then let go and hugged Amy as they both were crying.

He walked back to me and held me close. "You need me to drive you home?" he asked. "You think I can stay here tonight?" I asked and he nodded. I was pretty disappointed in Adam for lying about his dad but this wasn't the best time to take it with him so I just stayed over to make sure he was okay.

Matt and Jack also stayed over and shared the couch in the basement while Amy Adam and I went to our room. I was sharing with Adam of course. I was laying in bed waiting for Adam to join me.

He was taking his shirt off and I saw scars on his back. "Oh my god, what happened to you?" I asked as I stood up from the bed and walked up to him to take a closer look. "Dad. When I was a kid I was out playing with my soccer ball and it got out on the street, I went and got it and dad hit me with the car so I flew like five feet and crashed on a gravel road in front of the neighbors house." he said.

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⏰ Última actualización: May 01, 2023 ⏰

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