Chapter one.

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I accidentally stab my finger with a pin, attempting to fix my hijab. I hiss in frustration as I try to keep calm. I've been on edge and nervous since yesterday when I found out they wanted to interview me to decide whether I was good enough for their university, only the best university in the whole country, the university I gave up my sleep and sanity for. No pressure. "No pressure." I say in a low voice as I finally manage to secure my hijab.

I hear the toilet flush inside a stall behind me as a girl exits it. Her black hijab immediately catches my attention in the mirror. "Hey, you okay?" She says with a smile as she reaches the sink next to the one I'm using and starts washing her hands.  "Just nervous for the interview." I chuckle awkwardly. "I'm so nervous I could cry but I'm good at hiding it." She winks at me in the mirror. I smile.
There's something radiant about her— I can't explain it, it's just the way she smiles and the way she is... so calm. And something else, definitely something else. "You're a Muslim too." She says as a matter of fact, and I nod proudly. "I am." She dries her hands "Come on, stop fidgeting with your hijab, it looks perfect, honey." She puts her hand on my back and guides me to the door.

We both exit the restroom and she stops. "In shaa Allah you'll gain today what your heart wishes." She stands in front of me "I am sure that you are a very smart girl and they will be grateful to have you." She gives me one last kind smile "Thank you." That was all that I could utter. In shaa Allah. She waves as we separate. I let out a breath before I look at the time on my phone. 10 minutes.

Should I just run away?


"Do you think you can handle the stress, Farah?" He asks. I'm used to people mispronouncing my name but the way he says my name would've made me laugh in a less anxious situation. "I think it's worth it, yes." I reply simply. He nods and writes something down. I nervously look around the gigantic office as he looks back up at me. "Alright," he looks at me for a bit.

"Why do you want to be a doctor?" He asks me and silence follows his question as I try to overcome the surprise. I hesitate, searching for an answer. "Why do I..." I trail off as my leg bounces. Why do I want to be a doctor? ... well, I have never really thought about the reason. I guess I just studied everyday until my nails were invisible from biting on them too much and I was too stressed to even fall asleep although I needed it too much, That I didn't even think about it. I just wanted to make my parents proud. To make my dad proud. So proud that if he were here to see my success he would hug me so tight and would tell me how proud he was.
Someone knocks and enters soon after, almost making me jump. "Doctor Smith." The man that just entered addresses the one sitting in front of me as he throws a quick glance at my direction. "There's someone here that wants to talk to you." He opens the door further and the expression on his face unsettles me and it appears to do so to the professor too because he's soon on his feet. "Excuse me for a moment." Doctor smith says as walks out with long strides.
My heart is about to burst.
I waited for 5 minutes, then 10, then 30. I'm feeling dizzy, almost like the ground beneath me is spinning. Calm down.
I sigh as I look at the clock in front of the door.
The door opens and I eagerly turn around, thinking he's back but it was a different man that entered the room this time. "Your interview was postponed, ma'am." He says with an apologetic smile. "Be here tomorrow at three o'clock." He opens the door for me. "It's no problem. Thank you." I step out of the room. Well, that's upsetting and a relief at the same time.
I grab a snack at the vending machine and walk to the nearest elevator. I'm starvinggggg.
I open the lays and immediately pop 3 chips in my mouth. The elevator door opens. It's comfortably big and there are 4 people here, including the girl I met today.

Recognition appears on her face as she makes space for me, away from the two guys in the elevator. There's also a beautiful girl with blond curls. "How did it go?" She asks in a quiet voice as the elevator starts moving. "We didn't even finish the interview." I say, disappointed. She looks a little surprised. "The woman interviewing me also had to leave." She says. "Hm.." she looks confused. "Same happened to me." The girl behind us says. We both look back at her "That's weird." The guy in the far corner says. Last time I checked he was closer to us but now he's connected with the corner. "Same happened to us." He points to the guy in front of him. "Maybe it's just a coincidence." The blond suggested.
The elevator was making me feel dizzier than it normally would. I opened my mouth to speak when suddenly there was a loud bang on top of the elevator. Metal colliding with metal. Me and the blond shrieked as the others looked at the ceiling in confusion and fear. The elevator shook us to the ground. We shared frantic looks as it kept shaking. This building is 26 stories high. We're going to die.

"What is going on?!" Someone cried out. I don't know who. Everything was a blur and the lights were flickering and the ringing in my ears continued.
And I can't breathe.
The floor beneath us came to a sudden stop. And then...

We fell.

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