Chapter 2: Are we on the right track?

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Max drove back to his station after a quick snack break

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Max drove back to his station after a quick snack break. He went through the notes he made and reheard the recordings, again and again, to see if there was anything that could lead him to the kidnapper. After closely watching the footage for the 10th time, Max finally found the clue he was looking for. He went to the board and took a look at the photos he took of the room and some other places. He took a string and started tying it on the pins over every photo to see if it all made sense and had a link with each other. He stood by his desk pondering over it all to figure out what happened. “Nong Max, I bought you coffee.” A bright cheerful voice called. “Nong, what’s wrong? You seem worried.” The guy asked his younger brother. Max took a sip of coffee, letting the caffeine soothe him, and replied, “P’Mike, I am worried about the new case that I have got. I seem to have got some leads, but I’m not sure. This footage is a bit surprising though.” Max showed Mike the particular footage that surprised him. Mike was too stunned to speak. It took him a few moments to recover and asked, “They know him! That’s a surprise. It is a bit odd he was there when this happened.” Mike stared at the computer screen frozen at the picture of a man in his mid-30s coming out of the house, who he was familiar with. “Phi, do you think he has something to do with this? I think we should go and question him about it.” Max suggested. His phone suddenly blew up with messages. Nat had sent him a few messages which he was not sure if he wanted to check. Mike peered at the screen over his brother’s shoulder and saw the hesitation in his eyes and said, “Max, even though your relationship with Nong Nat isn’t good, he is your partner in this case. I suggest you go with him and spend more time with him and at least try to become friends. I know you still like Nong Nat, your ego won’t let you admit it and make a move. I’m surprised you pretend to hate him for so long even though you long to be with him.” “I don’t like him. Why would you say something like that Phi?” Max tried to deny it. “Ai’Max, I have known you for years. Ever since the academy days, I have seen your relationship with Nat and how you both ruined the friendship too. I adore Nat and would like you both to fix the relationship. It has been 5 years already. Take this case as an opportunity to reconcile with Nat.” Mike said and snatched Max’s phone from his hand and texted back Nat, scheduling a meet-up for the next day at their mentor’s house. “You have to go with Nong Nat tomorrow. You can’t skip it.” Mike said sternly. “Krub Phi.” Max wasn’t looking forward to the meeting the next day but still decided to go with Nat.

” Max wasn’t looking forward to the meeting the next day but still decided to go with Nat

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