start! ^^

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Welcome to a "fanfic," I wrote in school. 

this is about kids in my grade at school, and I'm using their real names because I don't give two shits if you know their real names. also, if you recognize the names and think you go to the same school as me/know me IRL...

no, you don't :D

there aren't really any trigger warnings, there will be bad language and I do mention sensitive topics like suicide briefly. also, I wrote this entirely out of boredom, and I guess you can call it satire. :) 

have fun reading!!! (this will be from different perspectives I think, ill make sure it makes sense.)

ALSO!! I apologize for the bad writing and explaining I did... I wrote this randomly throughout the year and I have no idea what some of it even is about tbh.  


Introduction to people (idk what to name this part sorry) 

Mondays are the worst day of the week. I can say this confidently, as a student. 

I hate everyone here and everyone hates me too, so it's a mutual agreement. 

I am currently sitting in the back of my classroom, spectating the people. I love people-watching. not in a creepy way obviously, but you know what I mean. I'm supposed to be listening to the math lecture, but I couldn't give more shits about my education. that isn't really good for me, but I don't care. I stopped caring a while ago. I can't get more than a 70% in any class. My teacher is talking something about outliers and graphs. Math never came easily to me. I suck at it. (okay as I was editing this I realize I should've been paying attention to that lecture because I just took a math quiz and failed one of the questions because I didn't know what an outlier is 😭) 

Beside me is probably my only friend that hasn't made me feel like shit recently. we have similar interests, such as art and story-based video games. her name is Paige, and she has hair that is light brown, slightly past her shoulders. I find her interesting, we've known each other for a while. 

my other friend lives at least 300 miles away. She has been my friend for over 4 years, and we are basically soulmates. Avalon is blonde, her hair is around shoulder-length, maybe longer, it's been a while since I've seen her. She likes Y2K fashion and spiritual- stuff. She's really fucking cool. we are really similar if you think about it. 

everyone else in my grade has wronged me in some way or completely forgot I existed. I hate my school. It's a private Christian school, and it's fucking horrible, partly because I don't even think I'm a Christian anymore. "oh Jesus loves you!" if he actually loved me, wouldn't he help me so I don't kill myself. and maybe he'd save hundreds of innocent people from getting raped and impregnated in the united states. oh well. nothing I can do. (editor here: why am I venting?? Idk I left it cause its funny) 

I am now in my next class. it's not even 12 yet and I've been insulted twice by my "friend". she is so confusing.

I like staying quiet and watching people. it's interesting to take their appearance in and think about their personality based on that. it's like making up headcanons for real people. anyway, based on appearance and what I know who is secretly a homosexual, or at least who I want to be so they can live out their gay fanfiction love life. 

there are two people that I've noticed get along great, a little too great if am being honest with you... 

I think you might know where this is headed. 

Delaney is a average height brown haired boy. now, something that I might point out is that he is not NORMAL! As a mentally ill neurodivergent person, I can also tell if people are mentally well or not. from what I've noticed, Delaney probably has ADHD. what I can say for sure though is that he's dyslexic, he quite literally told me that himself. he's also apparently colorblind? that might've just been a joke from last year, but you never know. 

lets meet out next "character"! Oliver is a tall blonde boy, who is like the exact same person as Nick Nelson from Heartstopper. I'm not even joking, they look the same and have the same personality. as far as I can tell he is neurotypical, but you never know. for the sake of this story however, he isn't. 

now, I'm not one to use typical Wattpad fanfic plots, but I want to have fun experimenting with different AU's and plots that are typical on Wattpad because its FUCKING FUNNY. (and I have a great sense of humor) 


Random silly  things for two boys in my classWhere stories live. Discover now