part 1

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(Delaney's pov, and yes I will write random things in brackets because I made this so I can. ALSO I have never played sports, been in love, or been a genetic male before so I am going to get details wrong and I apologize again for that.) 

It was 3:05 on a Thursday afternoon. School technically hasn't ended yet, but I had to go to a basketball practice. I like basketball, but the main reason I was here is that Oliver told me I should join the team. I'm not sure why he asked me too, I guess I'm like his best friend. I'm in the changeroom right now, on my phone. I'm waiting for practice to actually start, which is in 5 minutes roughly, but Mr. D doesn't always show up on time. Pacing back and forth in a white-tiled room full of teenage boys isn't the most fun thing, I'll admit. It smells strongly of sweat and is extremely loud. A wave of complaint erupts from the voices, as someone sprayed body spray in the air and now the small room is full of chemicals. blech.

A hand lands on my shoulder and I look to my left to see who it is. Oliver, as previously mentioned is sighing as he looks over at the other guys in the change room. "We should get out of here before it gets too out of hand." He says, now looking down at me. 

"I agree, practice should start soon anyway." 

in the gym, there were a few older boys randomly shooting hoops. I recognize one of them, Noah. Apparently he beat up a kid in his class and almost got suspended. (Noah is real and that did happen.) He also has some kind of grudge against Blu, one of the more annoying kids. (Blu is also real, and his name is pronounced blue. he's weird asf.) 

Ignoring the other people already here, I followed Oliver to the storage room to grab basketballs. we dribbled around a bit, mostly just waiting for Mr. D to arrive. 

then, after probably the longest 5 minutes of my life EVER, everyone was here and we could start. 

One exhausting warmup later, we did some drills and whatever other nonsense was going on. (I got real descriptive there.) I wasn't paying much attention to exactly what was happening, I think my brain was occupied. probably all those assignments your behind on, my brain said. I ignored it and tried to stay focused. it was hard, but eventually the practice was over and we were free to leave. I felt so tired, but not just from the basketball. my mind was all mixed up and tired of thinking about 3,000 things per minute. ugh. Mom was gonna be soo disappointed in me for doing sports instead of getting my grades up, but it was probably worth it, right? (this whole paragraph was me being too lazy to describe a basketball practice, I've never been to one so I have no ideas at all.) 

I grabbed my backpack from my locker and headed for the door. I said "bye" to Oliver as well, and the other guys from our grade. 

I got into the back seat of the car and slammed the door. Mom looked at me. "did something happen? why are you slamming doors all of  a sudden?" I rolled my eyes and glared at her in the mirror. I don't really know why I was so rude to her, but I guess she kind of deserved it. Easton turned around in the passenger seat and looked at me. "somebody is angry today. did you forget to take your meds or something?" I don't know if its even possible to hate someone in your family as much as I hate Easton. well, I guess he can be cool sometimes, but he always bullies me for being the younger twin. I don't know if its just that, but I don't care. He is annoying and sucks. He's also moms favourite, so that's never helpful when it comes to arguments and fights. I fought back the urge to punch his dumb face, while staying silent. we eventually got home after hearing Easton talk the entire drive about how good his grades are and stuff. 

I Immediately went to my room when I got home, closing the door as quietly as possible in hopes of mom not yelling at me for the 5th time this week about "slamming my door." 

My room was normal, I guess. besides being a complete mess all the time. white walls, wood floor, queen sized bed and a ceiling fan. there was also one window that I never opened. I opened it today, for god knows what reason. I looked out of it, to my street. I was on a cul-de-sac and directly under my window was an almost flat piece of roof. hmm. I could probably climb out of that... anyway, I closed my curtains with a swoosh and flopped onto my bed. there wasn't much to do, but I have found that video games aren't the worst escape. I climbed off of my bed and sat in my desk chair, swiveling to face my laptop. it wasn't a new laptop, but it could run Minecraft so that was a plus. I opened Minecraft and joined a bedwars game. I don't want to brag, but I would say I'm decent at bedwars. I play it an embarrassing amount, and I've just gotten used to it. I would say Minecraft is my comfort game. 

After what felt like an hour but was probably more like 3 I decided that I was hungry. it was around 8 and mom hadn't invited me to eat dinner so I went down and ate some crackers. after that and the first glass of water I had drank in a few days, I went back upstairs and sat down on the almost not visible floor. then I realized I should do something so I pulled out the math sheet I had gotten earlier today. I tried reading the numbers and equations but it all kind of blurred together with my thoughts and I told myself sleeping was easier and much more fun. So I fell back Into my pillow and tried desperately to shut my brain off, which didn't work. I instead laid down on my back staring at my celling for probably hours before I finally fell asleep. 

the next morning wasn't anymore pleasant, I felt groggy and tired after the lack of un-interrupted sleep I got. shit, I would have to go to school again. At least it was Friday. 

I pulled on a new sweatshirt in an attempt to look more put- together and tidy then I felt. then I went downstairs and grabbed a piece of toast. Easton was sitting at the table already, on his phone. He laughed and shook his head. "who are you texting?" I asked. I hated seeing him so happy, for some reason. "A friend." He replied, eyeing my sort of suspiciously. "why do you care?" I shrugged. "I don't." 

"then don't ask." 

I stood up from the table and grabbed my backpack and phone from the counter. I could hear mom start the car outside and I went out. It was a nice day, I suppose. it was cold and kind of wet though, there was dew out on the grass and I could hear birds. I opened the back door of the car and climbed in. I didn't sit at the front because I know Easton would yell at me for that. I didn't even bother checking any notifications on my phone either. School was gonna be horrible and boring as usual. 

(I don't feel like writing more here so Ill make the next part later) 


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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2023 ⏰

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Random silly  things for two boys in my classWhere stories live. Discover now