Ch1: The Start

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(3rd Person PoV)

All six marks of the Crimson Dragon were glowing. Something was wrong but what?

Head, Wings, Right Claw, Left Claw, Heart, Tail.

And then...they faded away. Onto new hosts.

The Crimson Dragon must find who has what. They'll have to go back in time to see what changes came upon it.

(Somewhere in the City)


A black D-Wheel shot out of garage looking thing and drove up to the starting line.

The crowd went wild at this and the rider waved his hand around to acknowledge this.

"I am here to give you the duel of a lifetime!" He shouted.

Meanwhile in a more ruined down city, in a deserted ruin of a subway, rode another D-Wheel and a young woman, whose face was covered by her helmet, was riding it.

She checked the speed of what she was driving on.

It's alright. We're alright here, she thought.

Back at the arena, the MC had announced something very exciting about the duel.

"Both Crow Hogan and his challenger, Mukuro Enjo had begun their duel by activating the Field Spell, Speed World!" He shouted.

The arena then turned into a lilac color and the crowd cheered with excitement.

"Remember, Speed World prevents the usage of regular Spell cards meaning that both riders will need to use Spell Spells and rely on their Speed Counters! And look! Mukuro takes the lead!" The MC exclaimed.

The rider, a man with orange hair and sunglasses, covered with a skull themed helmet, laughed.

I have the advantage with Skull Flame (ATK: 2600. DF: 2000)! Hogan won't know what hit him, he thought but he was wrong.

"I tune my monsters to Synchro Summon Black Winged Dragon (ATK: 2800. DF: 1600)!" Crow shouted.

"What?! No way!?" Mukuro cried.

"Now attack! Whirlwind Assault!" Crow shouted and his Dragon swooped in for the attack and destroyed Skull Flame and won him the duel.

"He did it again! The King of Duels once again proves that he is unbeatable!" The MC shouted which the crowd went wild at this.

Meanwhile the D-Wheel, that the young woman was driving on, broke down due to the engine failing.

The young woman cursed under her breath as she steadied it for a slow stop so she wouldn't lose control of the D-Wheel and crash.

"Damn it. That's the second time this week," she muttered.

She got out and took off her helmet, revealing brown eyes and crimson hair with some of it being held up by a silver hair accessory.

Aki Izayoi looked through a crack in the subway area and stared fondly at the moon.

She sighed and pushed her D-Wheel all the way to her hideout where her friends, Blitz, Nerve and Taka were watching an interview.

Crow's interview.

"So Crow, why was there an instance where you struggled against Mukuro's trap cards?" The MC asked.

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