Part 1

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It was a stormy day in the city, and the streets were sleek with water. People ran by buildings in raincoats and huddled under umbrellas in an effort to stay dry. But not everyone was rushing. On the fifth floor of a building, a girl is holding her phone in her right hand as she looks out the window of her dimly lit room in a small apartment on the third floor. She murmurs and thinks down on her phone, where she was taking a look at her old pictures.

She whispers to herself, “I remember our golden days. But we weren’t meant to be..”, as she lays down on her bed, looking at the ceiling blankly. The rain continues to tap against the window, giving a nice calm background noise. She's wearing a huge hoodie and dark stockings, and her eyes are enlarged and watery from crying. Other than her soft whimpers, the room is quiet.

This girl is named Lily, who loved being alone. She enjoyed the peace and quiet that came with solitude. Her friends and family always wondered why she preferred staying in her room, reading books or watching movies alone. Her parents were worried about her being lonely, and her mom stepped in by trying to set up blind dates, which, in Lily’s mind, is probably the worst way to help her because she didn’t want love, but she didn’t say anything about it.

She found tranquility in her own company and never felt lonely, as what the others thought. She loved to be free to do whatever she wanted, without having to worry about anyone else's judging eyes. thick with the scent of rain. In the distance, the rumble of a thunder can be heard, growing louder and insistent by each minute. Lily turns herself to the side, and holds her legs close to her, staring at a picture of her and a boy named Jack.

On one of her blind dates, Lily met a boy named Jack. They went to an Italian restaurant, where their table had a candle that gave them a warm glow on their faces. The restaurant was noisy, with the grating sounds of silverware and indistinct chatter in the background. She was shy to talk to him at first, but later found him charming, funny, and felt that he seemed to be interested in her. She knows this because he’s always asking questions about her and her hobbies, and he seemed really into it.

They went on a few dates, and Lily was starting to enjoy his company, taking walks at the park, watching the sunset on a hill and reading good books together at her place. Jack likes Lily alot too. He thought that she was sweet and wholesome, by the way she views things about nature and the stories she tells. Jack recalls that Lily describes nature as a source of inspiration and creativity, and can help make a sense of connection and community with others, with the stories that she writes about. Jack reads some, and tells Lily that the stories she tells are very compelling and emotional, making him want to read more. Lily was very ecstatic about those comments, and is flustered, that somebody dear to her likes her hobbies. 

But as months went by, Jack began to show signs of possessiveness and jealousy. Jack says that she's pushing him away, which made him fear that she didn't like him anymore, which fueled his jealousy, and thought she was either talking with someone else or not liking him anymore. He would always try to convince her to spend more time with him, by doing the things they always did together on weekends, like walking at the park during a sunset or reading books in the corner of her room, where her comfortable purple bean bag rests.

Despite that, Lily tried to explain to Jack that she needed her space and that it didn't mean she didn't like him if she stayed alone from him. But Jack didn't understand that. He wanted her to be with him all the time and didn't respect her bubble. Lily began to feel trapped in the relationship. She longed for her quiet time but felt bad for wanting it. However, on one summer evening, on one of their walks around the park together, Lily chose to talk about her feelings and told him what she truly felt concerning their relationship, and said a final farewell to him. She said she realized it was for the better, and she didn't want to stay in a relationship where her bubble wasn't respected. Jack tried to tell her to stay with him, but she didn't like that. In any case, Lily reprimanded him and realized that she had gone with the best choice. Jack desperately tried to get her back but Lily stood her ground.

After that day, Lily felt like she got rid of the stones on her shoulders. She realized that it was better to be alone than to be with someone who didn't understand her need for solitude or respect. Slowly, Lily started to continue what she always loved doing: write, read, and watch the sunset. She found that being alone gave her the space and freedom to be creative with her works.

It's raining lightly now, and the sound of the gentle rain fills the air, giving a nice soothing background noise. The streets seemed polished from the rain, and the few people outside were hurrying down the streets, heads down. Inside Lily’s room, everything is cozy and warm, with the only sound of the tapping noise the rain makes on the window. Lying down with her arms and legs stretched in the shape of a snow angel, Lily sighs. She thinks about the past as she closes her eyes.

Although she was sad that she may not do the things they did together anymore, especially her favorite activity of watching the sunset by the cafe; she always made sure to prioritize her alone time. 

After some time, she's satisfied with her life again. She's thankful for her alone time since she felt content with herself and is thrilled with that. She also learned that it was preferable to be alone than to be in a relationship that did not respect her bubble after reflecting on her relationship with Jack. She may no longer walk at the park, talk at a cafe, or read under the moonlight with Jack, but she still has her own plans for how to spend these summer afternoons by herself. 

The sound of cars' tires on wet pavement has taken the place of raindrops. The world seems to be alive again,  with the tension and stress of the storm replaced with a sense of calm and peace. The world is new again, growing and breathing, and anything is possible now.

Lily smiles with tears running down her cheeks, whispering to herself, "It's better to be alone sometimes."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2023 ⏰

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