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Almost 3 hours later of jack's horrendous driving we were nearing the air bnb we had booked so that we didn't have to wait in line for 2 hours every morning for a shower or have to worry about using those portable toilets (seriously tho they r so disgusting they make me wanna throw up) and having to fight over the sockets in the electricals tent. I suppose we just thought if we are going to coachella this one time we might aswell go all out, so thats what we did. "If you keep on this road and turn left in about 5 miles  then that road should take us on up to the house" rhegan instructed to jack who im pretty sure was so tired from driving i'd be surprised if he made it through the weekend, "thanks ray but its not like i already knew that from the GPS when it said the same thing you did like 3 minutes ago" he laughed "damn sorry for trying to help" rhegan spat back "help? i dont see you offering to drive" he replied, silence fell in the car and so i decided it was only right to try and lighten mood, "who are you guys most excited to see cause i literally cant even explain how ready i am to be stood within like 50 meters of frank" i squealed, neither of them took it well as i was met with no answer from either of them so i opted to sit back, stay quiet and listen to my music for the last 10 minutes of our journey.


As we pulled up into the driveway of the air bnb the first words spoke were "holy shit" muttered from jack who clearly couldnt be happier about not having to drive anymore, rhegan also caved in and let out a "woah" as we approached the house, i too literally went into shock as we saw the house for the first time in person and it looked so perfect with the view of the sunrise behind it. After parking the giddiness took over all of us as we left all our bags in the car running towards the front door to check out the inside for ourselves, jack unlocked the door and we all fled in running straight for the stairs to find the bedrooms and call dibs on who wants what room, even though its kinda childish it was something everyone does right? As i was running up the stairs i could feel jack and rhegan racing up behind me and i realised i had to make the decision of what way to go at the top of the stairs which could either work out in my favour and lead me to the best room or not favour me and take me to the worst one, at the top i could see two doors facing opposite eachother on the left side of the hallway meaning there was one more room somewhere which i realised had to be on the right side. I chose to turn right and run down the hall which took me to more stairs which confused me but it was too late now to go back to try and get one of the other rooms, i went up the stairs and when i got to the top i was glad that choosing to go right worked out in my favour, "I DIBS THIS ROOM ITS SO MINE" i yelled through the house as i took in the room infront of me, a spacious loft conversion with floor to ceiling windows and the most amazing balcony ever to look over the valley.

[this is kinda what im going for here] if u dont like it just imagine some thing else :)

After walking around and out on the balcony i heard shouting coming from down the hall, i walked towards the stairs and listened as i could faintly hear rhegan and jack arguing over something

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After walking around and out on the balcony i heard shouting coming from down the hall, i walked towards the stairs and listened as i could faintly hear rhegan and jack arguing over something. Assuming it was to do with who gets what room i went down to see the other rooms and what exactly they were fighting over, jack and rhegan were in the room on the left side and as i walked in they both looked at me and jack begged "please tell her that i found this room first so that means its mine" i wont lie even if he didnt find it first on the behalf of how bad i felt for him having to drive all the way here i wouldve let him have it but rhegan however didnt work like that, "if jack found it first then sorry ray but its his" i said to her as jack thanked me and rhegan accepted her defeat. After the rooms were sorted we all trudged back out to the car to get our bags and carry them up to our rooms, jack offered to help me and rhegan with some of our bags but honestly i felt bad making him do more work so i just told to not worry and that id just come back for the rest. Having the best room in the house was full of pros but i soon realised the cons it had: carrying 2 suitcases and multiple travel bags all the way up to it. Within 20 minutes i had successfully dragged all my luggage up to my room independently which to me was a big deal so i took the job as one to reward myself for, as i left my room after unpacking my things i headed down towards rhegan and jacks rooms with my phone open on ubereats. I opened jacks door to find him lying down on his bed scrolling through tiktok, i asked him "hey i was gonna get breakfast ordered what do you want?" he replied "um.. not that bothered to be honest ill eat anything im just too hungry" so i told him id get rhegans opinion on what to get "oh my god please can we get ihop im craving a good pancake right now" she begged, walking back into jacks room with ray following me i told him that she wanted ihop and jack agreed so we ordered our breakfast and all that was left was to wait for it to arrive. While we waited we took some pictures of the house to send to our friends and family and some other pictures together which rhegan was finally happy enough with to post.

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It had been about 25 minutes and the doorbell had just rung letting us know that breakfast was finally here so i ran to the door and opened it revealing the driver with our food, "hello" "hi, thank you so much" "no problem haha" "have a good day" "you too", the conversation was short lived but i was thankful because i cant help but feel so awkward when answering the door i sometimes just wish theyd leave the food at the door and run away back to their car and drive off so i can get it after and avoid the awkward small talk but whatever. I carried the bags of food into the kitchen where the other two were sat talking about something on rhegans phone, when i walked in rhegan interrupted whatever jack was about to say "oh rora someone texted you by the way" she told me. I put the bags down on the counter infront of them and walked over to check my phone. Jack Wright had texted me to let me know that him and his friends had arrived at their air bnb and so he sent me the address so we knew where we were going for his party, "yeah it was just jack, him and his friends are at their place so he sent me their address for tonight" i told them making sure they even remember that we agreed to go out there tonight after seeing todays artists that we wanted to see. The two nodded and jack announced that after breakfast he was going to start getting ready, so me and rhegan agreed and we all headed upstairs after we finished eating.

hiii sorry i didnt post this earlier i was just busy with college stuff atm and i thought id get this out by saturday but clearly not lmao anyway i swear next chapter will be more interesting and auroras finally gonna meet vinnie next chapter :)

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