Chapter 3: Party Crashers

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Once they left the sick bay they walked the stairs which led to the Batcave, the girl's eyes twinkled just slightly at the fact that she was standing in a cave, with really cool gadgets, and amazing suits. Batman sits on his chair, opening up his large computer screen. Oracle already had sent some information on the Meeting and information. The girl stood behind Batman while she observes everything being shown on the screen, to which he turns around and says.

"Before we head in, I need to check how well you fight."

She took a fighting stance, while Bats stood up and raised his hand gesturing to her in a taunting pose for her to attack him. She understood what he wanted, so she charged at him, taking a good swing with her leg, Batman dodged. While they were having their mini training, Bruce kept his observation on her fighting style, it wasn't the best but it wasn't that bad either, he also noticed that her stamina was not depleting as fast as the normal. She had her concentration on him, it made her want to at least get a hit on his face or stomach, but with the experience that Batman has over the years he could read her movements like a book. It irritated her, missing him over and over again, her emotions showed on her hair and eyes, turning the burning color of red. Bruce backed off, just in case she tried anything out of the ordinary, in which his intuition was correct, her expression changed to that of a wild animal, she grew fangs and her nails also grew just an inch. Her movements were even faster, yet Bruce continued to dodge her every movement, they weren't that erratic, just more speed. And finally her other power, her real power appeared, her aura was threatening, and fire appeared on her hands, she blasted a minor fireball at him, to which he dodged but neither realized that Alfred was there. Bruce was shocked he tried to reach Alfred but was too slow, instead the girl noticed him, with her inhuman speed she transported herself in front of her own fireball, getting hit instead of Alfred, she fell to the ground. Both Bruce and Alfred were in shock and in awe by her quick movement and quick thinking.

Then Alfred knelt down asking in a very concerned tone. "Miss! Are you alright?" He noticed her burns were healing. Why was that? How? Bruce had walked up to them and noticed the same thing: he knelt down and the girl slowly picked herself up. She looked at Batman staring at her healing factor on her arms.

"Clear to explain?" He said in a very serious tone.

She silently sighs. "It's one of the few powers I can wield in this specific world." She pauses as her burns heal completely. "They are after my blood because of this, but because my blood isn't even part of this universe my blood can only create... monsters."

Batman took out a small needle and poked her skin, taking a sample of her blood, the girl yelped. "Hey! And Ow!" He stood up taking the sample to his computer to analyze her blood.

"This will take awhile. In the meantime, I've seen enough."

With just the small and quick information he gathered from fighting her, he was able to create a device. He took the device and placed it around the girl's wrist, it looked like a black bracelet. "What's this for?" She wondered.

"To keep you in check and if you try to escape I can track you, also this won't be a simple device to break."

The girl stood up and sighed. "I'm not running away, but if this makes you feel better I'll leave it on."

"Alright let's go."

They both head over to his Batmobile, and this time she sat in the front with him, she kept her head down, and stayed silent while Bruce drove to the location where Oracle had sent him. It was a good few hours that the two sat there silently, the girl didn't want to upset him in any way, but Bruce broke the silence by saying.

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