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I wasn't always like this. I used to be more outgoing, more loving, and affectionate.

I wanted to love you and spend the rest of my days with you. You wanted to love many and spend the rest of your days partying.

It would have spared me a lot of heartache if I could have seen the warning signs back then.

Perhaps someday I'll realize who you really were. A nuisance, a narcissist, and a manipulator.

I let myself be fooled by your charismatic ways. Some say love is merely the calm before the storm because as soon as you fall, everything comes crashing down like the waves on a beach.


"Carter, I need you to relax and listen to me," says Alden. "I need you to breathe, this isn't going to work if you don't breathe."

This is the absolute worst timing for something like this to happen. I turn to face Alden with my hands covering my ears and tear-filled eyes and blurt out, "please make this stop.".

"Well, don't be mad you asked me to," he says as he leans down closer grabbing the sides of my face he pulls me closer and for some reason I don't pull away. "Can I kiss you?" he asks mere inches from my face.

My head says no, even though my heart says yes.

I grab hold of his shirt and pull him in. I stop second-guessing myself and just go for it. My eyes flutter shut as our lips meet lightly. It was only a few seconds, but it seemed like an eternity.

He looks at me, "Honestly not going to lie to you Jemma, your lips are extremely soft."

I chuckle as I gaze at him. ""Alden. Even though you are the worst person I have ever encountered, I can't seem to stop thinking about you. What makes you think that is?"

"Naturally because I'm the most manliest man you have ever met." I slightly punch his arm, "thank you for your help but we wont do that ever again," I say looking look down at my sleeves.

"As you wish Miss Jemma Carter," he grins then adds while standing up and grabbing my arm pulling me up, "next time I'll just shake some sense into that little brain of yours."

I Who Loves YouWhere stories live. Discover now