Chapter 6 - A Very... Uneventful Sleepover

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Zina's POV

"You're sure you'll be ok staying with Eda tonight?" Raine stands a shoulder length away from me, concern clear in their eyes.

"For the millionth time, I'll be fine! It's not like Eda's going to poison me or something-"

"No promises!" Emerging from the Owl House, Eda places leans on my shoulder, then ruffles my hair. "Aw, don't worry, Raine, if I can take care of two kids and Hooty, what's adding one more gremlin to the mix!"

If on cue, distant crashes and an explosive mushroom cloud bellowing from the chimney could be seen.

"Eh.. that doesn't count. Anyway, look at the time! Leave any later, and you'll be late, Rainestorm! Have fun at your boring coven thingy, byeee!

Then with one final look that clearly said, "Don't die or kill someone", they left, leaving me with the most powerful witch on the boiling isles! What could go wrong!


"Foul creatures! You cannot escape my wrath! CHARGE!!" Our almighty King yelled, causing our stuffed troops and me to attack our enemy (Luz and Hooty).

"YOU CANNOT HARM THE MAIDEN, FOR I, BRAVE HOOTY, GUARDIAN OF KAHOOT, WILL PROTECT H-Oo look! A fly!" Hooty zooms away, leaving Luz defenseless.

"Hmm, it looks like your brave warrior has left you, maiden Luzura of Couchton. My liege, what say you? Shall we give pardon? Or siege destruction? Bowing dramatically deep. I wait for King's wise words.

"Well, she is defenseless. But that will only make our job easier. LAY SIEGE, MY LOYAL COMMANDER!"

"RIGHT ANSWER! ARGHHHHH" Running full speed at Luz with King on my shoulders, we ambush her with our ammo of pillows, effectively smothering her with plushness. The victory was ours.

"Ah! My only weakness! Dying!" "Bleh, I'm dead...ow! Zina! I'm already dead did you really need to throw another pillow at me?"

Looking dead sirius (I'm sorry I couldn't resist), I respond, "Yes."

I could feel another battle approaching, but Hooty's shrill voice sounded before anyone could act. "Oh no! It's starting to rain!"

"Rain?!" Jumping up in excitement, Luz and I, tension was forgotten, ran out the door, hoping to play outside. Hearing objections from inside, we ignore them, making our way outside the house and lifting our hands to feel raindrops.

But when they came, so did the pain. "Ow!" "What the heck?!" "OW!"

"BOILING RAIN! EVERYONE INSIDE NOW!" Eda's voice came out of nowhere. Her form could be briefly seen running at us from the forest until we were dragged inside and dumped on the floor in a heap.

With more exclamations of pain, Eda's bewildered voice interrupted our agony. "What the titan were you two thinking! What part of BOILING RAIN do you not get?!"

"In our defense-ow- our rain on earth isn't boiling." Taking a good look at myself, I noticed multiple burns and a few bruises, which I impulsively had to press, causing me more pain. Why am I like this.

"Huh, you don't have dangerous plagues that could kill you? Anyway, that's not important, lemme look at you both. What hurts? Anyone dying?"

"Only internally," I respond as she looks over Luz, casting spell circles that seem to relieve her injuries.

"Well, it could've been a lot worse if I hadn't gotten there when I did. Ah geez, can you imagine what'd Raine do to me If you had died on my watch? Anyway, kid, let's see what I can do."

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