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This story is set when they are older out of high school so 20-21?

Bruce's POV:
I woke up to my alarm blaring in my ear. As I Rowan over to turn it off I get grabbed and laid back down so my back is against a warm chest. Ah yes I almost forgot there was another person here, my boyfriend Vance hopper. I try and wiggle my way out of his grip he tightens his hold on me. "Turn it off" I hear from behind me as i laugh slightly "you kind of have to let me go first" I hear a huff and feel the arms losses around me. I'm finally able to turn the alarm off but as I go to get up I get pulled back down into Vance's embrace again I turn to face his and cup his cheeks as he opens his eyes to look at me "baby I have to get up" i just get a huff in return and pulled closer to him. "As the toughest guy in town I demand you stay here." And that's how we spent our morning, face to face, legs tangled together as we both drift back off to sleep.

Authors Note: This is really rushed and bad I'm sorry I'll get another one out soon! Suggestions maybe?

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