Waking Up

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I slowly opened my eyes with my body in intense pain. I slowly sat up and found out that my entire torso, arms and legs were covered in bandages and that my face was very itchy. I held my head when symbols started appearing in my head. My entire body felt like it was on fire with a deep voice speaking in his head.

???: "ᛟᚺ, ᚺᛖ'ᛋ ᚨᚹᚨᚴᛖ. ᚱᛁᛋᛖ ᚨᚾᛞ ᛋᚺᛁᚾᛖ ᚷᛟᛚᛖᛗ. ᚤᛟᚢᚱ ᛃᛟᚢᚱᚾᛖᚤ ᛋᛏᚨᚱᛏᛋ ᚾᛟᚹ."

The pain slowly subsided and the symbols disappeared as I steady my breathing. I look around and noticed that I am in a bed. A pile of burnt clothes were beside the wall. I stopped and slowly lifted the blanket off of me. Despite the bandages I am not wearing any clothes.

Y/N: "Who changed me out of my clothes?......hope that they won't judge my size."

I tried to get out of bed but nearly fell to the floor. I managed to get a good grip on the counter beside me and made my way to the mirror. What I saw shocked me. My usual light brown eyes are now blue. The strange itch on my face was in fact a beard. I held my head in pain as I started to remember what happened. Portal. Chained. Family. Heart. Belos. Belos. Belos. Belos. Belos. Belos. Belos. Belos. Belos. Belos. Belos. Belos. Belos. Belos. Belos. Belos. Belos. Belos. Belos. Belos. Belos. Belos. Belos. Belos. Belos. Belos. Belos. Belos. Belos. Belos. Belos. Belos. Belos. Belos. Belos. Belos. Belos. Belos. Belos. Belos. Belos. Belos. Belos. Belos. Belos. Belos. Belos. Belos.  Belos. Belos. Belos. Belos. Belos. Belos. Belos. Belos. Belos. Belos. Belos. Belos. Belos. Belos. Belos. Belos. Belos. Belos. Belos. Belos. Belos. Belos. Belos. Belos. Belos. Belos. Belos. Belos. Belos. Belos. Belos. Belos. Belos. Belos. Belos. Belos. Belos. Belos. Belos. Belos. Belos. Belos. Belos. Belos. Belos. Belos. Belos. Belos.  Belos. Belos. Belos. Belos. Belos. Belos. Belos. Belos. Belos. Belos. Belos. Belos. Belos. Belos. Belos. Belos. Belos. Belos. Belos. Belos. Belos. Belos. Belos. Belos. Belos. Belos. Belos. Belos. Belos. Belos. Belos. Belos. Belos. Belos. Belos. Belos. Belos. Belos. Belos. Belos. Belos. Belos. Belos. Belos. Belos. Belos. Belos. Belos.  Belos. Belos. Belos. Belos. Belos. Belos. Belos. Belos. Belos. Belos. Belos. Belos. Belos. Belos. Belos. Belos. Belos. Belos. Belos. Belos. Belos. Belos. Belos. Belos. Belos. Belos. Belos. Belos. Belos. Belos. Belos. Belos. Belos. Belos. Belos. Belos. Belos. Belos. Belos. Belos. Belos. Belos. Belos. Belos. Belos. Belos. Belos. Belos. BELOS

???: "Hey!"

I turned around and saw the same person that saved me. She was leaning against the doorway with her arms crossed. There was a hood covering her head with the sound of rain in the background.

???: "For a guy who washed up from the Boiling Sea is quite amazing to see standing. Well more like trembling and getting ready to fall. Now let's get you back to bed."

She went up to me and led me back to the bed. I was forced to lay back down onto it despite my complaints. I looked up at the mysterious woman.

Y/N: "Who are you?"
???: "Wha- You don't remember?"

I placed my hand on my head and tried to recall what her name was.

Y/N: "Was it Eda?"
Eda shot me a grin along with a finger gun.
Eda: "Bingo! Now welcome to my future home!"
Y/N: "Future home?"
Eda: "Yeah, I ran away from home. Things got a bit crazy there."
Y/N: "Okay but WHERE exactly am I?"

Eda looked at me with a confused look on her face.

Eda: "You don't know where you are? You're at the Boiling Isles."
Y/N: "I'm sorry but where? Is that near Connecticut?"
Eda: "Connecticut? Oh! You're a human!"
Y/N: "A human? Aren't you one too?"
Eda: "Nope, I'm a witch!"

This confused me on what she said. That was until she pulled her hood down to reveal her pointy ears. I backed up but ended up hitting my head against the head board. I held my head in pain while Eda started laughing at how I reacted to her being a witch.

Y/N: "Not funny..."
Eda: "You got to admit it was pretty funny."
Y/N: "So what? Are you going to like eat me or turn me to a toad?"
Eda: "What? No, is that really what you humans think we do in your world?"
Y/N: "I mean yeah."

Eda grabbed herself a chair and sat in front of me.
Eda: "If I DID do that then you wouldn't be talking to me?"

It took me a second to realize that she was right on. I laid back and stared at the ceiling.

Y/N: "How long have I been out?"
Eda: "For about...One...two......three months."
Y/N: "Three months?! I'm sorry but I need to get home!"
Eda: "You can barely stand let alone walk. You need to rest and besides I have a way to get you back to the human realm."

Eda pulled out a key with an eyeball on it out of her hair. She clicked the eyeball and a suitcase with the same eyeball flew into the room and turned into a door. Eda opened it and revealed what looked like an abandoned house.

Eda: "This baby can take you to the human realm. You can go only if you are fully recovered."
Y/N: "There are hospitals there that could help me."

Eda closed the door and went up to me with a fiery look.

Eda: "Your body was broken and submerged in the Boiling Sea the moment I found you! That sea is made out of magic from the Titan and can kill the most powerful creatures if they stay in their for too long. You my friend are lucky that I found you because you would have been a skeleton. As far as I know humans can't help with that! Now you will recover whether you like it or not! Got it?!"

Y/N: "Yes ma'am!"
Eda's expression changed completely and placed a bowl of some sort of soup on top of me. She pulled out a bottle with a golden liquid inside of it and mixed some with the soup.

Y/N: "What is that?"
Eda: "Bundleberry and liptum soup. Best way to help with any Boiling injuries with some of my elixir to help speed the recovery process a bit. Now open wide."

I opened my mouth and Eda put a spoonful of the soup in my mouth. I swallowed and nearly threw up. Eda gave me a smug look and I could tell she knew that was going to happen.

Eda: "You like it?"
Y/N: "Tastes like garbage."

Eda laughed at my response and getting another spoonful ready.

Eda: "Tastes terrible but it is the best way to help with your injury."
Y/N: "Oh yeah, did you change me out of my clothes?"

Eda looked at me with a slight blush on her face.
Eda: "Before you hit on me you should know that I have a boyfriend. Anyways I had to change your clothes because they are practically useless to you in their current state and that I had to treat your burns."

I slowly looked away feeling embarrassed. Eda looked back down at me with a smile while I was drinking more soup.
Eda: "You do have a massive log though."
I spat the soup out in shock while Eda was laughing her heart out.
The screen pans to outside revealing Y/N and Eda were staying in a tower. The screen continues to pan out revealing the entire Boiling Isles was actually the skeleton of a very large creature known as 'The Titan'.
End of Chapter

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