The Night Train

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Working all night and coming home to more work has been draining me I try to think of it as a way to stay busy but I'm tired two jobs a husband and two adult kids living and depending on me all of this and no time for me..coming home to find clothes all over the house kitchen not cleaned and they have the nerve to ask me what's for dinner I am so tired of this rollercoaster ride of life and it seems to be no way out my husband can't keep a job and the kids won't even work so I'm left with bills and house hold duties thinking to myself when will enough be enough there has to be a better way so I call my girlfriend Della we always talk and dream about the good life even though we know it my never come she always know how to keep me laughing it's so good to have a friend who understands ..we both come from the same struggle and we both have the same problems but Della never lets life get her down she always gets a kick out of it every chance she gets that's what I love about her.. my husband has been quiet lately he doesn't care much about what's happening he always say Sherry you are worth more than gold anytime you want to be done I'm with you.. he's a good man just bad luck seems to follow him around all his life we been married for 14 years he was my first love from highschool so I stick by his side.. right when I thought things couldn't get any worse the pastor called and asked me to meet him at the church said he had something very important to ask me so I hurry up and get out of my work clothes and hurried out the door it's 8:00 pm I wonder what could he need this late I clean the church for him from time to time he is very old and people in the community don't care much about love and support so good heart Sherry I'm always trying to help I get to the car and it won't start it's a blizzard tonight so I'm walking to the church thank god it's not far I finally arrive and I'm banging on the church door it's freezing and snow up to my feet he finally opened the door and everyone is in the church smiling at me as if I'm walking the red carpet I said what's happening pastor he said Sherry I been knowing you for a long time since you was a little girl I watched you grow and work hard to take care of everyone around you..your family and your community and there is something I must tell you now before it's to late your mother and I fell in love as teens but we couldn't have a public relationship because of our age and our parents were solid and they believed in no such things..but..we managed to sneak around anyway and she ended up pregnant..she had the baby..and she was told never to speak to me again and she didn' were that baby Sherry and I was told I'll be passing on soon and I want my legacy to never go in vein so my beautiful daughter with my church and my million dollars asset will you be the new founding lady....I couldn't move I couldn't speak my legs shook so bad I fell to the floor he grabbed my hand and lifted me up and looked at me..and he hugged me as I burst into tears.. and then he whispered in my ear this is your woman's worth 💖 HOPE YOU ENJOYED THE STORY 💖

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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2023 ⏰

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