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Bumi came into the room the next morning and sat, pulling her into his arms as she slept, her head rested on his chest as he slowly lifted her up and carried her outside to the small platform that provided I view of the water.

He sat with his legs dangling over the edge of the platform, the morning was warmer than usual and Bumi knew it would be an extremely hot day. Bumi grabbed two small devices out of his pocket. He clipped one of them to the inside of the leather bracket lin wore. The other he clipped to a leather strap that he slipped onto his wrist.

Lin's eyelids fluttered open and she looked around, her eyes landed on Bumi as he ran his hand along her back.

Lin shook her head. "What are you doing?" She asked, sitting up.

Bumi forced her to stay in his lap which she didn't really mind doing. Bumi leaned agents the side of the structure, pulling his legs back onto the wooden floor. Lin chuckled and allowed her legs to dangle off the edge as he pulled her closer.

Bumi smiled. "Well, I couldn't make you laugh last night so..."

Lin gulped. "Bumi-"

Bumi started to tickle her and Lin screeched. "No!"

Su heard Lin's screech and stood up, running to see what the commotion was about.

"Stop, no don't you dare-" another screech rang out.

Su ran as fast as her legs could carry her.

"This isn't fair, I'm defenseless! There's not even any rocks for me to throw at you!!!"

Su grabbed a sharp object as she ran and was about to wack Lin's 'attacker' on the head when she realized it was Bumi. She quickly hid behind a bush, then turned and walked off. It was only Bumi, he wouldn't hurt Lin.

Lin was sitting next to him, about to punch his arm when a chuckle escaped her lips. She scooted away and covered her mouth, a bright red flooding her cheeks.

"Did you just-"


"You just-"

"You didn't hear that!"

Bumi went to grab her, but Lin was to quick. She jumped to her feet and took a step back. "Bumi, don't you dare!" She growled.

He lunged, grabbing both of her arms and pressing them flat agents her sides.

Lin struggled to pull away, but her body was still healing, she was still to weak to fight him, sometimes she was to weak to stand on her own for long periods of time.

Bumi pulled her closer until there chests touched, then he slowly slid his arms down her back, stopping at her waist.

Lin moaned.

He chuckled. "What where you saying chief?" He was teasing her. "You want me keep going?"

Lin looked away, her face was the brightest shade of red imaginable, both from blushing and embarrassment. "Bumi-"

His lips landed on hers and she tried to pull away.

Bumi, noting that Lin was teasing him, decided to slip his tongue into her mouth. Lin moaned and gave up, she threw her arms around him and tried her best to push him back into the side of the structure as she slowly opened her mouth wider, giving him exactly what he wanted.

He took note of her efforts and allowed her to 'push' him backward into a thick beam of the structure. Her hands landed on the railing on ether side of the beam as he pulled her closer.

He smiled. "More?" He asked.

Lin snickered and nodded, pressing her lips on his once more before slipping her tongue into his mouth, realizing that she had never taken the time to taste him before. This was new to her, and he tasted good.

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