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One night, where the stars heralded time with their falls into the void in the eternal universe, the villagers celebrated with liquors and dances accompanied by the childish laughter of the pure new souls, who ran around the place with fairground toys, the elderly, In their calm resolution they smiled at the firmament with a deadly calm, which only age allows to develop, and the indiscreet youngsters prowled around the place, oblivious to all the merriment and avoiding at all costs to immerse themselves in the effusive festivity, they moved away from the place.
The boys, in their search for silence, quickly went to the lower square of that enclosure, congregating around a smaller bonfire, arranged to illuminate the monument, which solemnly rose in reddish tones among a sea of Lycoris radiatas, the Young people limited themselves to admiring the bronze woman, reviewing her fine lines, from her soft gaze, passing through her cheekbones and lugubrious smile, her weak shoulders and graceful hands raised to the firmament, her firm legs in contrast with a delicate rotation, their clothes draped as if the wind could still prevail over them, making them dance at will and finally on their hand, a small compass with a protruding will-o'-the-wisp, who proudly proclaimed himself knowledgeable of a path, dictating a feeling, and provoking a throbbing in his observers, one of the young people spoke, deeply moved he cried out to heaven - Oh, savior!, today is your day, and we appreciate your favor, with your love you saved us and you endowed the world with light, with your death you freed us and gave us a path of freedom- the young people moved by the solemn words lowered their eyes, a wind pushed them slightly and in a moment everything went out, the laughing songs were lost, the orange light of the bonfire was extinguished and the wind did not blow, from one moment to another, the fire of the statue fanned in an unparalleled green; the statue was no longer made of copper, the woman showed a snowy skin, she looked at them, and in her eyes there was pain; The boys were unfazed by the change, she held her gaze, crying, something dark stained her clothes and now the fire marked behind the young people, they turned to look, bodies were in the place, the thick blackish substance ran like a river with deadly flow, in a second it took shape, a magpie rose and perched next to the woman among the flowers, it crascited, the young men approached the bodies slowly, as one of them crouched down he noticed that their clothes were stained with blood, a hum deafened them and the bonfires were lit again, all the teenagers were drenched in blood and a few children looking at them cried in terror, screaming for mercy, crawling and stumbling away from the group, the woman in the statue spoke, her voice solemn and strong but broken, she pronounced -Away from my people, away, BEASTS!-.
The confused boys questioned their gaze, analyzing the bodies and the panicked children ran into the forest, they had killed them, they killed the people, they and only they were the terror that the woman banished and that those smiling people from the beginning celebrated, but how? tired they arrived at a field of the same red flowers of the statue, there rested a pillar engraved with 6 names and a date, where, in turn, the event and the deceased in their hands were narrated.
The laughter and the music were heard again, the people from the beginning were there, and then an old woman stopped the music and the people concentrated on her, the oldest of all, she looked directly at them, one by one and finally spoke –50 years ago, 6 young people killed everyone, except us, the children, who burned in fire for our savior and from their ashes these flowers sprouted, representing the painful change of our town - the young people, crying, knelt down, repentant for their actions, remembering the hatred that prompted their actions – today those 6 souls accompany us, to finally get a perpetual rest, understanding that it is useless to return to what has been and is no longer, today we give an end and a new beginning, like the magpie that He gave us hope in a troubled time, finally, the evil of the town ends and is extinguished like our starry night- At the end of the speech, the young people thanked, today this story is told, in order to warn the little ones about the power of our heart, the unbridled power of a feeling that can cause chaos and shadows.

Seis Almas Y Un Sentir/Six Souls And One FeelWhere stories live. Discover now