the new kid

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Marcus's pov

I was in the hall of our school playing my electric guitar when Adam said whoa look at your fingers go its like each one has a brain of its own then i said thanks you know you guys are the only people who have talked to me at this school I hate being the new kid then chase said oh we used to be the new kids that no one talked to and now where just the familiar kids that no one talks to then Adam raised his hand for a high five but chase declined then Leo said hey peeps whats the deal-io then i said hi im Marcus then Leo said i know we have gym together then fist bumped me and then said in study hall and also chemistry I looked at him confused then he said we're lab partners then i said oh I didn't know that then I looked over at Chase and said chase have you ever played guitar then he said no but I've always wanted to then Leo said I'm a jammer as well and I turned to him then he said my rocking is only eclipse by my rolling then chase said leo your mom said that you played the clarinet for 3 weeks until you swallowed the read then Leo said i passed it then I said hey chase wanna give it a go then chase said sure why not then I handed him my guitar then he started to rock out it was awesome then he gave it back and said what do you know beginners luck
(Play this)

Marcus's pov

So me and my dad move around alot I was home schooled most of my life I said then Adam said no way so were we are so similar do you have a third nipple to then I shook my head then chase said anyway thats a pretty sweet guitar Marcus then I said yeah your a natural bro guys we should start a band then Adam said thats a great idea and started drumming with his plastic knives then he said but what can i play I got it no I dont got it he said as he scratched his head with the knives then I said your gonna be our drummer adam

I'm just gonna skip to when there in Douglas lab

Marcus was in his capsule getting sleep well thats what he thought Douglas said Marcus is a Android but poor kid thinks hes gonna make it by his 15th birthday then Marcus came out of  it his eyes glowing green then they where set free Marcus was beating them and winning but then the roof was about to cave in chase and Donald tryed to warn him but by the tim Marcus looked up Douglas left him to die and marcus got crushed by the roof every one made it out alive but Marcus atleast thats what they thought

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