second day

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The next morning, Beomgyu was the first one to wake up. He rubbed his eyes and sat up on his bed, looking around the room. It took him a few seconds to remember that he was no longer alone in his dorm, and that his teacher Taehyun was sleeping on the other bed next to him.

Beomgyu quietly got up from his bed, careful not to disturb Taehyun, who was still sleeping soundly. He headed to the bathroom to freshen up and brush his teeth. As he walked back into the bedroom, he saw Taehyun was awake and sitting up, rubbing his eyes sleepily.

"Good morning," Beomgyu said, breaking the awkward silence.

"Morning," Taehyun replied with a small smile, still looking a bit groggy.

Beomgyu cleared his throat, feeling a bit awkward. "So, um, do you need to use the bathroom or anything?" he asked, gesturing towards the bathroom.

Taehyun shook his head. "No, it's okay. I'll just wait until you're done," he said.

Beomgyu nodded and quickly got dressed, grabbing his bag before heading out of the room. Taehyun followed behind him, still looking a bit out of place in the unfamiliar surroundings.

As they walked out of the house, Beomgyu noticed how close Taehyun was walking beside him, almost as if they were a couple. He couldn't help but feel a little self-conscious, especially with the way some of his neighbors were looking at them.

Once they reached the bus stop, Beomgyu turned to Taehyun. "Um, so what do we do when we get to school? Do we pretend like we don't know each other?" he asked, feeling a little uneasy about the whole situation.

Taehyun looked at him thoughtfully for a moment before replying. "I think it would be best if we kept it professional at school. We don't want to raise any suspicions or cause any problems," he said.

Beomgyu nodded, feeling a little relieved. "Yeah, that makes sense," he agreed.

The rest of the bus ride was spent in silence, with both of them lost in their own thoughts. Beomgyu couldn't help but feel a little nervous about going to school with Taehyun, but he also couldn't shake off the excitement of having his teacher living with him.

As they reached the school, they both got off the bus and headed towards their respective classes. Beomgyu watched as Taehyun disappeared into the staff room, feeling a little lonely without him. He couldn't wait for the day to end so they could go home together.

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