Gary x Tiffany- Worshipped love

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A/N: there was no ship art of them so I had to do it myself lol. I'm not sure if I ship them or not but I do love Boss x Minion ships so I'll give this a try

Tiffany's POV:

Tiffany was in the woods with the other cultists and thralls when she saw her leader, Gary Miller. He seems upset. She came up to him. "Boss.." she says, "what's wrong-?"

Angry, Gary then stabbed a random thrall to death with his trident. "God damn it! Our plan was going so well!" He yelled. "We had Amy in the right place and that priest had to ruin everything!" Tiffany scoffed a bit when he mentions Amy. The girl who she envied, and the girl who Gary had eyes on. Either way, Tiffany was unsure how to cheer him up. But afterwards, the younger woman shrugged.

"We could always make him come to us boss~" Tiffany smirked. "How so?" He asked, before pulling his trident out of the thrall.

"I know a little someone who might be a bit interested in him." Tiffany says. "The one who lives in your apartment, Lisa Pearson.. my friend. She could be the lure to get him to come over,"

Gary then smirked. "What a wonderful idea, Tiffany." He chuckles slightly. "Then I expect to meet him very soon," he says, before walking away.
"I will do whatever it takes for my Amy and I to bring the Unspeakable out.... I will make Amy in my hands again.."

Tiffany gets angrier everytime he mentions that awful name. "Amy this, Amy that. It should've been me.." Tiffany says to herself...

After a few weeks has passed..
Tiffany did the unthinkable. She performed the second death on herself.

Her head was gone... with the transformation.. it ripped off her clothes.

As she heard someone enters, her heart skips a beat, knowing that he came to praise her.
"Gary... my love.. have you finally come looking for me?"

After for a few moment..
"My God.. Amy.. is that you?" Asked a familiar voice.
Tiffany's anger rises, when she hears the priest mention that name.

"Oh, so the priest seeks the girl.. Gary's favourite..."
Tiffany says bluntly. "No.. it's just me.. the rejected vessel.."

"Who's Gary?" John asked confused.

"Gary is a normal human being, just like you and me... i had to show him on what i could be for him..."

"You... did this to yourself?"
John asked once more.

"The first to perform the ritual willingly" she answers him once more, revealing her ripped head.

"I-I've done more for Gary than Amy ever did.. and now...."

Tiffany started screaming, as the demon finally came out of her neck.




As Tiffany was finally being controlled by the devil, she couldn't control her body anymore, having the demon wrapped around her. She chased John around the room.

Although Tiffany is in pain by John's crucifix and by the power of FAITH.
She wanted to show Gary this, what of a monster she really has become. Her love for him.

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