Chapter 1: The first day of internship

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Chapter 1: First Day of Internship

6:30 a.m.


6:40 a.m.

6:50 a.m.

7 AM


The alarm was silenced for the fifth time. But even then, the person who set his alarm was still lying on the six-foot bed not caring why it was necessary to wake up at this time. The blanket that had been so hot had fallen out of bed in the middle of the night. I feel discouraged with life if I must wake up now because my body still feels like sleeping.

Both sides of my consciousness got to work, and the good side said, 'You should wake up now if you don't want to suffer from day one.' The last time the alarm sounded was exactly seven o'clock. There are still fifteen minutes to "code red". The half-asleep young man is considering the lazy/evil side of his consciousness. Then turns off the alarm and goes back to sleep.

But the devil interrupts my sleep. As soon as I started running my horse into the dream zone, the phone rang shamelessly. What is it?!!! Laem (Cher) frowns and picks up the phone without opening his eyes. But I could not find anything....
It feels like this bed is about thirty million acres wide.

The sound of buzzing!
The noise does not stop either. Laem remembered that he used to use this ringtone only when he needed to wake up for an exam. But last night he did not set this ringtone, it means that there must be someone who set it for him.

"Shit, Jack. Did you secretly change my ringtone?"


"And at the highest volume as well. My earwax almost dances" says Leam.
 What I hate most in this world is being disturbed while I sleep. But I cannot nag too much because that is just me. But if he thinks he is the son of the full moon, that is another story. Because if that person calls, he will curse me until he is born again.

Jack: (Because I know you will not wake up, so I turned the volume up even more.)

"A little too much in my face, Jack. Soon my ears are going to break."

Jack: (Get up to shower!)

"What else needs to be done? Everything was finished before I took Jack's call."

Jack: (I told you to get up and shower!)

"I said it's done. No, I woke up at five in the morning because I was invested in my internship on the first day. This shirt is so well ironed that if someone walked near it, it would probably bleed from the sharp petals of my shirt."

Jack: (Is it five o'clock?)

At the end of that sound, the bathroom door slowly opened, giving me the feeling that I was in the lead in a hundred-million ghost movie. Perhaps it fits with the legend of this room where previous tenants were stabbed to death by their husbands, resulting in the story that in the middle of the night you could hear the cries of women. Because of this story, he decided to rent the room because the landlord lowered the rent. But I have been here for a long time, and I do not know what kind of fight Phi came for. I am confused.

Hoping to get away from seeing a ghost, he had to sigh sadly because the face that emerged from the bathroom was not a ghost. But instead, he is a depressing man who has been here for as long as it is. And the tiger kept his face still.

Laem: "Did you teleport from there, phi?"

"Mmm," Jack did not answer the question and acted like a robot. Phi Jack kept telling him, 'Get up.'"
" Isn't it just seven o'clock? Let the younger one sleep first..." said Laem.
The younger one turned over and lay on his stomach.
The other party does not feel any sympathy at all.

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