Episode 18: The Main Support (PART 2/2)

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Hi guys <3 Hope everyone is well!! I luckily made my deadline for my thesis! Hope you will enjoy this cute chapter <3 Next chapter will be a bit more spicy as we can imagine after watching the series ;)  My schedule doesnt allow as much translation as before so thank you for sticking around!

When it's free, Jack agrees to be first. As for Zo, it's whatever the team wants. And of course, a lot of people like P'Thee would not easily agree because if one day he agreed without being picky, that day water would flood the world. Until Zo says

'If P'Thee doesn't go, he'll stay and watch the channel. Zo will go with his Phi's. As for P'Tub, he is in a mode of respecting his wife until Laem has to go out and ask himself. He went to talk to him about a completely free vacation with a new sponsor.

Previously, the brothers opened their mouths when they heard about a new sponsor called 'STARLIGHT HOTEL'.

"P'Tub kept mumbling non stop Laem was lucky to have a rich boyfriend. As for Jack, he told me to not rely on this and to collect a lot because if it was discarded, he would not be able to complain to him. The scum is worried about Nong or actually envious?

When money wasn't a serious issue, Jane agreed immediately. As a young mother who has to save and save for her child's education in the future, when going out she has to calculate the expenses well. Of course, young mothers would like to go out and play like other teenagers, but due to the burden of raising children, they cannot leave their children with their husbands, who have to run a game store to enjoy their happiness. .

Jane is an intelligent woman with a good heart and always puts others first. She wanted the people in this house to relax together rather than sit and control a game shop when the kids were having fun at a beautiful resort.

"Here Jack, do you think P'Thee will survive?"

Laem opened the topic with his close friends when they were cleaning the house to kill time while waiting for their teammates to come here. This shop is the gathering point because they can park their cars for free. P'Tee went to pick up Zo. P' Tub and Jane along with their little ones are about to go out. There is still an hour left until Boss's van comes to pick us up to go to the provinces.

"Why are you afraid that your phi secretly took the computer to play in the temple?"

"No, now the temple has a flammable sign. I don't want people to wonder why P'Thee is allowed to wander around social media even though he is in Dharma precepts. Just thinking about having people stay on the internet for almost half of their lives cut off from everything is stressful. He can live like that? Praying Namo three times. Still asking first.

"It can be done, believe me."

"Hmm, I have confidence in my friend."

"Or not?"

"Amen. Merit, phi. I'm afraid he gets up to dig into mommy and canned fish at night. Have you ever seen a ghost movie with Jack? Damn it! P'Thee could have been fooled until his head was shaking before he felt it."

When he finished speaking, he rubbed his limp arm.

"But after thinking about it, perhaps you have fooled the ghost until there were no more left to wander the temple."

The two friends looked at each other before unexpectedly bursting out laughing. I understand that as a child you must be ordained for your parents because adults are interested in this matter. But P'Thee really believes that after being ordained, his parents will pave the way for him to have a relationship wit Zo, right?

"Phi , aren't you going to be ordained?"

"No, why do you need to be ordained?" He turned to a high school girl with her hair tied up in a ponytail who was typing on the right side of the computer desk.

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