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Oh, fear doth grip me tight with icy hands,
My heart beats fast, I cannot make it stop,
I fear the night and all that it commands,
My mind is trapped, my spirit cannot hop.

The fear of loss, my soul doth now surround,
I cannot shake this feeling of despair,
My heart doth break, my body feels unbound,
Oh, woe betide, my life's not going anywhere.

This fear doth stem from deep within my core,
It spreads like poison through my very soul,
I feel the dread, I can't take anymore,
These feelings, they do take a heavy toll.

The fear of failure haunts me day and night,
A shadow cast upon my every move,
Oh, how I yearn to stand up to this fight,
Alas, my hope is gone, my dreams removed.

The fear of death, it lingers in my mind,
A specter haunting each and every breath,
My thoughts are dark, my spirit unaligned,
Oh, woe betide, no solace find in death.

Poems And Lyrics Written By AIWhere stories live. Discover now