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Jeon seokjin:

I was crying the whole day since I found out the pregnancy kit was positive, then at night when jungkook came home, I opened the door for him after I washed my face, he saw my face and understood that I was crying and asked me why with concern.

To that, I calmly told him "jungkook I have a headache so I'm going to sleep, after you finish eating, come to sleep".

When he heard what I said, I thought he would come to sleep with me, but he just nodded and went to eat, which made me feel a little uneasy. Because before I told him that I was in a little pain he would be with me all the time, but now he doesn't come to comfort me even though he knows I'm crying.

That made me cry even more I lay on the bed thinking what to do now, I can't tell jungkook about this pregnancy, because he's not responsible for the fetus in my stomach.

Then I thought of destroying the fetus in my stomach, but it was very hurt for me to do so. Then I called my friend Hoseok thinking that I can share this matter with him and when he accepted my call, he was shocked when I told him about my pregnancy.

Then he said to me seriously "Jin, you should talk to tae about this matter because he is the baby's father. Maybe you hide this thing from him and if he comes to know about it in future it will be a big problem for you, so tell him about your decision. For that, if he tells you what to do, then both of you talk and decide".

"No hoseok. He thinks I don't remember our time together, but if he finds out that I do now, I'm afraid he'll take advantage of me. Not only that, I also fear that he will blackmail me and break us up". I shared my thoughts with him.

"You're right in a way, so I think it's best not to tell him. We both don't talk about it at the moment, we'll talk about it tomorrow at school and come to a decision first. Then make sure Jungkook doesn't know about this for any reason." He told me.

After hanging up on Hoseok I tried to lie down and sleep but I couldn't sleep because I was so tired. At that time jungkook came to bed, when he saw me I thought he would come and talk to me, but even seeing that I was awake, he came and laid beside me without saying a word. I immediately started talking to jungkook "jungkook, how was work today?".

He immediately hugged me tightly and said to me, "Jin, my work has not been going well since Tae became the chairman. He is scolding me every day, I don't like working there. The only reason I work there is because of you."

When I heard what he said, I was very sad that Jungkook was in this situation because of me, and then I spoke to him caringly, "Jungkook, resign from your job. For now, the salary from my job is enough for us. After that, whenever you feel like going back to work, look for a job in another company".

"Jin, I can't resign because I have signed an agreement saying that I will work for that company for ten years, so no matter what difficulties I face in my work, I have to deal with it and go quietly, I have no other choice". Jungkook said very upset.

I was shocked to hear that, because when he told me that he got the job, he had said that he had not made any agreement with that company, but now when he told me that he had made an agreement, I became suspicious of him.

I thought of asking him about the agreement, but then jungkook told me "jin, I'm sleepy, we'll talk about this tomorrow". After that he slept soundly, but I was the one who couldn't sleep.

I couldn't lie down so I got up and looked out of the window, and at that moment there was a person inside a car, so I stood by the window wanting to see who it was. After some time, a person got out of the car and I froze in shock when I realized who it was.

I wondered what tae was doing here at this time, then he came out of the car and suddenly he sat on the road looking at my house. So I thought I should immediately call him and tell him to get out of here, but I didn't want to show that I knew what he came here for, so I went to sleep without thinking about him.

Then the next morning when I woke up, I first looked out the window to see if tae was there, but I was relieved to see that his car wasn't there.

Later that day when I went to school and I told hoseok about what happened last night, he told me what was on his mind "jin, I'll tell you based on what you said, it seems to me that jungkook is hiding something important from you. Also, I think tae really loves you".

The same thing has been appearing in my mind since last night, so I called Tae thinking that I might tell him about the pregnancy.

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