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Pov jungkook

Jungkook desperately waited for this math lesson to end so he could eat lunch.

Actually lunch time is his favorite time of the day, because i get to see taehyung. Since he got his boyfriend they hardly spend time together other than in school. And even there Jungkook doesn't see him that much because he is a year younger then him and in anothet class.

If Jungkook was honest he doesn't like tae's  boyfriend. His name is junseo. He is quite popular,
Has a lot of friends and is also quite good looking. Tall, good built, soft black hair and he smells great. He seems perfect.
But jungkook doesn't think his perfect is enough for tae.

Junseo seems way to... loud and intrusive for tae. And they dont even know each other long enough.
They know each other for like what, i dont know two months?!

I bet he doesn't know tae half as good as I know him.
Even if junseo knows his favorite food, song, movie or band.
Does he also know that tae likes red apples better than the green ones? Does he know that tae can't go out of the house without checking if all windows are locked? Does he know how good he sings? Does he know his dreams? Man does he even know how much luck he has with taehyung?

The lunch bell started to ring and only now jungkook noticed how once again all his thoughts left to taehyung.

"Let's go jungkook im sooo hungry" hoesok says as he swings an arm around kooks shoulders.
They started to run trough the school halls, as they always do, so they wouldn't need to stand in a queue for the food.

On their way they saw tae coming out of his classroom. He also used to run with us to the canteen but as he wanted to start running junseo hugged him from behind starting to leave small kisses on taehyungs neck.
Tae just looked at us loughing cutely and waving at us.

"Common kook taehyung will join us later" hobi said with a smirk placed on his lips. Dragging jungkook after him.
"EW, hobi shut up" was the only thing he replied as we started to run again.

--------10 minutes later during lunch

taehyung slowly walks to them Hand in Hand with junseo.
Jungkook really doesnt want him to sit on the table with us. But i guess i have to accept it. Today.  Only for tae.
"Hey hey sorry for being late again" taehyung said throwing a jokingly mad look at bogum.
"It's okay tae, sit down"
As hobi said this they couldn't just have sat down normal like every other human. NO.
Junseo pointed at his lap and taehyung sat down ON junseos fucking lap.
Right in front of me. Really??

Tae knows i dont like junseo, but still they got to act all lovey dovey in front of me. Thank you!

Well not even lovey dovey more like junseo kissing tae all over his face and neck.

Jungkook honestly to often thinks about how he just wants to throw a punch in junseos face.
I mean tae can't even eat his lunch probably.

And He does admit. I makes him fucking jelous.
It makes jungkook jealous he just wanna scream.
I just wish I was the one at junseos place.
I mean how did he manage to get taehyung in only two months and I failed even though I like him for 4 years  already.

It sounds so bad but I honestly just wish that junseo turns out being a dick and tae realizes that I am much better for him. And we live a happy life together until the end of our days.

Dear My "Friend"Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat