PJO // Papa Chiron

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Chiron really cares about his kids. So, being the protective papa centaur he is, he goes into the cabins to soothe nightmares and make sure everyone is okay.

Of course, he visits the Hephaestus cabin twice. Once at the begining, to tell them to "Go to bed! It is three in the morning! No, Leo, you cannot go down to bunker nine. Christopher, if you don't put down the blowtorch right now-"

And once at the end to make sure they listened to him, which they hadn't. So, that just meant that he had to go down to bunker nine and hang a sleeping Leo on his back while doing the same to the rest who hadn't listened.

Eventually, he will have gotten everyone in bed and asleep. After he started going to the Big House, he saw lights on in the Athena cabin and made them go to bed again. And by that he confiscated all of their lanterns and flashlights so they couldn't do anything and were forced to go to sleep.

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