Introducing the characters for him

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This is his best friend, Joshua forsythe and I have a friend named draven, he has a few fanfictions but not on wattpad so here are the characters (and also he never saw murder drones so you might wanna tell him the characters personalitys)

Draven spletzer: he is autistic and has an imagination of his own

Likes: Simon and garfunkel, the carpenter's, dogs, wii sports, country, rock

Dislikes: making people feel bad (that's all I know that he dislikes)

Joshua spletzer: has also autistic and is very loving towards any female that he isn't related to

Likes: heavy metal, wrestling, video games, watching tv, babies, being lazy, finding out about things, sleeping

Dislikes: rap, pop, any music genre that's not metal, Luna moths, working, being told what to do, getting his sleep disrupted

Levi spletzer: he is incredibly selfish but still a bareble person to be around

Likes: taking advantage of nori doorman, bullying serial designation O, beating up Mario, animals, babies, modern music, manipulating people, ventriloquist dummys, sexually harassing serial designation v

Dislikes: not getting his way, when people don't take his side, any of joshuas fixations,being disciplined in any way of any form, being beat at video games

Meggy spletzer: the adoptive mother of Joshua, draven and Levi, she's very aggressive but also a nice person

Likes: splatting tournaments, her kids, working out , giving out the "meggy spletzer community service" (that's her form of discipline) , hanging out with axol Jr, ramen

Dislikes: her kids misbehaving, axol Jr being sad or hurt, not getting enough money to afford things, being called short

Tari: she's a very sweet girl and has an obsession with video games and axol Jr

Likes: video games, axol Jr, being polite, saving the day, 8 bit music, all her friends, everything nice

Dislikes: death, pain, misery, Levi bullying serial designation O, axol Jr being sad or hurt, everything not nice

Saiko: she's a wild anime girl with the love of KFC and guitars

Likes: chicken, playing guitar hero, actually playing guitar, axol Jr, destruction, wine

Dislikes: people going down her basement, serial designation O breaking in her apartment, joshuas poor table manners, guitars being played horribly

Melony: a melon girl who has a husband and a baby who she loves very much

Likes: being married, playing with axol Jr, loving people, serial designation O, almost everything

Dislikes: people being hurt, axol Jr being sad, her husband being lazy, watermelons being eaten,making people angry, Niles

Axol: a very famous manga artist that loves his wife and baby and is an axolotl

Likes: axol jr, melony, writing mangas, entertaining people, relaxing

Dislikes: mangas failing, axol Jr being sad, melony disrupting his break, joshuas manga ideas

Axol jr: he's a cute little baby that everybody loves to hold, nothing can get between him and boobs (He's breastfeed)

Likes: eating, sleeping on someone's chest, attention from everybody, chewing on everything, playing with people, boobs

Dislikes: being ignored by everybody, not being fed by melony, will ramos' s metal screams, someone grabbing him before he can discover something, adults fighting

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