more side and minor characters

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Here are some more side characters and minor characters 

Clara Afton: She has a husband named William and 2 boys and 1 daughter named Micheal, Chris (who likes to call himself  "the crying child"), and Elizabeth, She was also Nori's childhood best friend

likes: her children, Meggy's children, Axol jr, hanging out with Nori (when she gets the time), hanging out with anybody from the SMG4 castle, people smiling (depending on why they are smiling) 

dislikes: death, children being killed, Micheal bullying people, her husband being mean to kids, the Spletzer boys doing stupid crap that could hurt or kill them, violence, Axol jr being sad, Bob being a pervert, Levi and Bob teaching O and Axol jr swear words/racial slurs, Elizabeth and O doing the spider pig on Axol jr

Flatfoot: he's Draven's talking pet bunny with brown fur who walks on his back feet which are flat-bottomed (which Levi is partially jealous of)

likes: being petted, cheese, carrots, his owner Draven, dreaming about being bigger than the weaklings (humans), being unusually strong, having long ears, being carried by Draven, nuzzling Draven's face with his nose

dislikes; being kicked by Kurt (Kurt's in jail now so flatfoot doesn't have to worry about being kicked anymore), people being rude to Draven (specifically Lizzy and Corey Taylor), being shorter than Meggy when Levi bullies O, the fact that Draven is single (he thinks Draven needs a partner)

Eddie Munson: he's one of Joshua's friends who is somewhat funny and is Uzi's smoking buddy

likes: weed, heavy metal, thrash metal, black metal, death metal, power metal, Meggy (he thinks Joshua's mom is hot), Dungeons and Dragons, his guitar, roasting Axol jr (as a joke), the Hellraisers, his wooden shield

dislikes: Niles, people saying the good news before the bad news, Led Zeppelin (they're too soft for his liking), the "metal is satanic" propaganda, the "dungeons and dragons is satanic" propaganda 

Zach doorman: he's the brother of Uzi and the son of Nori and Khan, he is currently in the insane Asylum (because he thinks his mom is still dead and that's what made him crazy in the first place)

likes: his strait jacket, his mom (who he misses very much, even though she's alive again), his sister, staring at a mirror, being alone in his room, hallucinating his mom (they are the only hallucinations he likes), Fusionzgamer, blink 182 (that was his childhood music)

dislikes: hallucinating scary stuff (he's schizophrenic), his nightmares, his mother being dead, the Spletzer boys (he thinks Uzi is replacing him as a brother with them), taking his pills, the disassembly bots, his dad (he still hasn't forgiven khan for the wrench incident), wrench's 

Belle Fontiere: She is the ex-military best friend of Tari with an obsession with military training the Spletzer boys into being tough guys (try all you want Belle, it won't work) She is also a gamer like Tari

likes: winning, competition, video games, state-of-the-art technologies, her friends and family, everything military, chilling with Axol Jr

dislikes: losing, people invading her personal space,  the Spletzer boys failing military exercises, Axol jr being loud

IulitmXD: he's Nori's online best friend in rec room, he is the lord of the squeakers and nobody from the smg4 cast has seen him in person yet

Likes: screaming into the mic, playing loud meme music when Khan walks by, golden trophy, playing with Nori and Joshua, annoying all the other players, rickrolling, playing with Tari, yelling every profanity in existence, rec room

Dislikes: Getting banned from rec room, Joshua being too stupid to play a rec room right, other squeakers questioning his dominance, goblins (they're enemies in rec room)

Elizabeth Afton: She's Clara and William's daughter and youngest child, she's also O's best friend

Likes: robots, hanging out with O, doing the spider pig on Axol jr with O (it's where you pick a baby up, put them on your ceiling, and pretend they're crawling on your ceiling while singing "spider pig, spider pig,  does whatever a spider pig does, he can swing"), animatronics, the fazbear franchise, her mom, her dad (even though he killed 5 kids but she doesn't know this yet)

Dislikes: his brother Micheal, children  getting killed, his brother Chris, getting caught doing the spider pig

And many, many, MANY! Others

After this part, we are gonna start the actual stories, I hope y'all like the upcoming parts, and if you want to recommend custom episodes, don't be shy to comment down below

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