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"This one's empty, James."

Ophelia Potter opened the door to the empty compartment and dragged in her heavy trunk.

"Coming," James called out before freezing in the middle of the train, eyes widened and mouth agape in awe, unbeknowest to his twin who had already stepped in.

Ophelia moved her long, black hair out of her face with a deep sigh and turned. Her heart almost jumped out of her chest.


Ophelia yelled as her blue eyes fell on a young boy sat in the corner. How had she not spot him? She put her hand on her chest and let out an awkward chuckle.

"Sorry, I didn't see you there," She apologised.

The boy looked smaller than her and slightly chubby, with short, blondish hair and dark brown eyes.

"I- It's okay, really. I'm sorry for frightening you," He said, shyly.

Ophelia shook her head, "Don't worry about it. Do you mind if me and my brother sit here? Everywhere else is full."

He instantly shook his head, "Of course not. You can sit here if you want."

"Thanks," Ophelia smiled at the sweet boy. "I'm Ophelia, by the way."

The boy gave her a small smile, "I'm Peter."

If only Ophelia knew then how this story ends... would she still have sat with him? Maybe the ending was always inevitable.

She gave him a nod before realising James still hadn't stepped into the compartment. Where had he disappeared to? She poked her head out only to see the boy standing where she had left him before. Her brows furrowed when she realised his hazel eyes were glued to someone behind her head.

Ophelia turned and saw a girl with flaming, red hair standing there, laughing with a blonde girl. The blonde made a gesture for the redhead to look in their direction which she did. The girl had green eyes and pink lips with soft freckles scattered on her face. She stared back when she noticed James.

James shifted his circular glasses and shoved his sister out the way as his feet walked towards the beautiful girl as if they had a mind of their own. Ophelia glared at him (which he didn't notice) as he cleared his throat.

"Hi," James breathed, eyes still wide in awe.

"Hello," She smiled.

"I'm going to go inside," The blonde girl smirked to the redhead.

"Okay, Marlene. I'll just be a second."

"I'm James." The boy introduced when her attention was back on him.

She nodded and then smiled, "Were you staring at me?"

He nodded.


"You have a pretty face. And- and cool hair. And, I like your eyes, they look nice on you," James rambled.

The redhead girl looked down, trying to hide her smile.

"I made you smile," James stated, smiling like a fool himself. "It's cute."

She looked up at him and tried her best to remain confident, "That's awfully sweet of you."

Ophelia shook her head at the two.


The redhead turned to look at her dark-haired friend.

"Lily," James whispered to himself.

James held no regrets about meeting Lily. He always thought back to this moment fondly.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2023 ⏰

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