New York, New York

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Adora's POV

I arrived in New York and it was snowing lightly we landed on a rooftop and I hopped off of Carol. "Carol you stay here and stay safe I'm going to go and spread some Christmas cheer and love." I said to her. She nodded and sat down and I pulled a blanket out of my extendable charm bag for her so she is comfortable. I put the blanket on her and sneakily fly down without anybody noticing. I land on the ground and put a cloaking spell on my wings so that humans can't see them unless I fly. My SnowFae background and my mom being a witch means doing magic comes naturally to me.

I'm dressed in a hat just like my dad's that has my name embroidered on it and a nice casual Christmas dress with gingerbread men's tights.

I walk out of the ally and down the busy street and see all these different stores with their Christmas decorations and it's beautiful.

I'm walking down the street when I come across a big store with lots of decorations inside. Maybe I should try going in here and see what it's like. I walk into the store and see a man dressed up as Santa with children waiting to take their picture with him and then 'Santa' takes note of what they want for Christmas HA as if he could give them gifts, and my dad is not even chubby he works out a lot and his hair is platinum blonde like me not white.

I see a young boy maybe 8 go to buy a gift at the counter but the kid doesn't have enough money. I walk closer to see what's going on. "Please can I get a discount it's for my mom and I've saved up all year to buy this for her for Christmas?" The kid says. Awww my heart melts and so I walk over. "Hey, there how much is that gift?" I ask. "211.00 he's short 40$" the cashier says. I pull out some cash. "That should cover it keep the change," I say and take the gift and give it to the boy. "Thank you much how can I ever repay you?' He asks.

I smile and say, "You don't need to repay me but if one day you see someone who needs help in any way go help them pay it forward just continue being kind and Merry Christmas." I said and I walked out the store.

I decided to continue my walk and made my way down the streets and saw carolers singing Christmas songs. I smiled and kept walking and then it all went downhill. I could smell smoke so I followed the smell and saw a building on fire. I heard people screaming in the building crying for help and I knew I couldn't just wait around helplessly so I took of my jacket and let my wings out and I flew up to the balcony to help the people. 'Hey come here quickly I get you down.' I said to a woman who was on her balcony. "Oh thank you, thank you, thank you." She sobbed.

I gently picked her up and flew her down and noticed a crowd had gathered. Everybody seemed to be recording me for some reason.

"Someone call the fire department" I yelled to the crowd. They listened and called them and I flew back up and into the building. "Everybody come this way I can get you." out I yelled
Into the hall. A bunch of people and some pets came running. I led them outside and shielded them from the flames with my wings and body. It was unbearably hot and as a SnowFae my body was not good at handling hot temperatures never mind a fire! I used my ice/snow powers to create a safe slide down and one by one I helped the people and their pet's down the slide.

I think that everybody is out so I flew down with a shaky cat in my arms. I hand the cat to the owner and hear and frantic voice. "Has anybody seen my kid? Please somebody help me!" A woman screams.

I here someone crying in the building of candy canes the kid must still be in there!

'It's ok Miss I'm going to go get your child please just stay away from the building.' I cough dark smoke and soot try to leave my body.

I fly up into the building at this point my skin is being burned even more by the fire but I fly deeper into the flames using my powers to get ride of the flames but they keep growing bigger. I see the little kid crying in a corner the flames about to get them and I grab them. My body burns the flames dance along my skin and I see my skin looking terribly red and charred, I feel so sick but I have to keep going this child needs me, and I refuse to let them die.

"It's ok it's I'm going to get you to your mommy just hold on the tight little one." I cough softly. The child holds onto me for dear life, and I run and fly through the flames holding the child tightly, but just as we're about to get out the building starts collapsing. "NO NO NO" I yell. But now I'm trapped i hold the crying child close to my using my body to protect her.

I get to a closed window and throw my body into it breaking it and showering me in glass. I collaspe on the ground clutching the child protectivly, I uncurl myself, and hand the child to their mother.

"Oh my darling you're safe of thank you so much you saved my child you're a hero." she says I hear everybody cheering for me but the pain, and the heat is too much

I cough, and hack up blood laying on the ground my outfit is ruined I probably look like styx right now. Black spots dance through my vision, and I can't feel my right arm, finally I turn to the side and puke all over the street and my clothes. "Somebody get help she's injured!" yells the lady, and people gather around me many screaming panicked. I hear a voice screaming telling everybody to back away from the girl.

The last thing I see is some people dressed in costumes running towards me.

Well that's the start of her adventure what do you guys think? I hope you enjoyed it!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2023 ⏰

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