Midnight Rain

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I'm awoken to a tap on my window. I brush it off as a tree, and turn around. But then all of a sudden, it's a bunch of little taps, all at once.

I groan as I sit up, turning my lamp on and being temporarily blinded by the sudden light.

"What the fuck is going on?" I say, walking towards my window, looking out.

In my backyard, waving they're hands around like an idiot, is my partner, [Name]. I sigh, annoyed.

They have red plaid pajama bottoms and a black rock shirt, and they're standing in the pouring rain, grinning wildy.

I crack my window open and yell out, "What the fuck are you doing out here, you're going to catch hypothermia idiot."

"It's raining!!"

I roll my eyes and try to hide the smile forming. "Really? I couldn't tell."

"I want you to dance with me in the rain! I even made a playlist for us." they have this dopey smile on they're face, that just makes me want to kiss all over it, and then smack it.

"We're going to get soaked! And besides, it'll be all slippery."

they pout, "pleaseeee {name}"

"Ugh, fine. Let me get ready goofball. Climb up here."

they scale my wall as I take off my robe and start putting on an oversized t-shirt with shorts.

"And you say IM going to get hypothermia.."

I stick my tongue out and slip on the hoodie I stole a couple weeks ago. "If I get sick, then I can blame it on you."

I slip on my boots, and we climb out of the window.

They set they're phone down, playing "I Lived" By OneRepublic.

I'm about to make a snarky comment when they grab me by the waist and quickly pull me in. "You have no idea how long I've wanted this."

I feel my face flush as they spin me around, the grin replaced with a look that sends shivers down my spine.

"You're such a dork." I say, burying my head in their chest as I let them guide me.

"Oh, but you're so into dorks."

I don't know how long we're out there, but we go through the whole playlist. When we finally stop, my dad's sitting on the porch, smiling.

"Hey, you guys. Come warm up inside, I made tea, and you can stay the night."

They wrap their arm around me, and we walk inside.


40 years later

I feel something shaking me, and I wake up to them, smiling.

"My love, it's raining."




Anyway, give me ideas and ill write them out hehehehe

Word Count: 417

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⏰ Last updated: May 03, 2023 ⏰

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