welcome to my world - muzan ♣︎

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human reader, kidnapped.

When y/n was kidnapped she knew nothing about demons or their existence, what little she heard about them she thought it was some myth or a supernatural story made up to entertain children but now when she was now taken by the upper moon two douma to this place where his master resided, muzan kitsubuji.

Muzan introduced the human girl to his infinity fortress and told her how demons were a real legacy not myths she was in fact in their world and her life could be taken at any moment if she didn't obey them, she was to listen and respect the upper moons and follow muzan's orders, she didn't knew about demon slayer corps either so all the information she received within a day came clashing into her head like a shock, the other upper moons present were thinking one thing, what purpose does this weak human sever to muzan?

Y/n was given her own private chambers in the infinity fortress and she was confused to why was she there, she was provided with every human necessity, after a few days of being there a meeting was called by muzan kitsubuji himself, y/n was in her room when nakime's biwa strung causing her to suddenly be teleported next to the biwa demon and the rest of the upper moons except upper moon six was missing, y/n was brought outside of her thoughts by the blood striking aura of muzan, he was thought nowhere in her sight until she glanced upward to see him with various glass containers which were tubes containing various liquids one of which was definitely blood, muzan then told everyone their tasks as he dismissed them except y/n.

Muzan kitsubuji stood in front of y/n as nakime's biwa strung yet again, he stared into her eyes with no classified expression on his face which could determine what he was feeling or thinking, suddenly he asked y/n if she knew about a specific flower which she thought about but dismissed saying she had never heard of it, muzan then sat down as the room changed to what looked like muzan's chamber, he sat down as he gestured her to do the same, he then told her why he had brought her to the infinity fortress so suddenly, he explained to her how she has the rare blood called the marechi blood and so demon slayers were looking for her, apparently the blood is rare and demons usually attack people with such blood since it is very pleasing to the demons. Y/n was confused were these demons going to eat her? or what? Muzan laughed as he basically read the thoughts on her mind, he said they won't eat her but he wants to keep her with himself, she asked him why? he turned silent.

He told her he wants her because he finds her perfect, confused looked at him to explain further, muzan then told her how he too wishes to be perfect, to be able to walk in the sun again and he found her perfect, a perfect wife for him, if she wouldn't obey him he'll turn her into a demon too by giving his blood, y/n then realised she could no longer escape him because he was the demon Lord and she was a mere human nor did she wanna turn into a human eating demon by disobeying him so she went through whatever he asked her.



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