origins part 1:Marinette dupan-cheng

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Marinette dupan-cheng

Occupation:fashion designer and superhero
Friends:alya Cesar, nino laheif

This is the retelling of marinettes origin story

Marinette dupan-cheng was a 15 year old girl, she was kind, funny, but she could be a tad clumsy. She was a walking disaster at times. But she always meant well, she was beloved by everyone...well...almost everyone.

One morning, Marinette was doing her normal routine of getting ready for school. While she was getting ready for school her mother knocked on her door.

Marinette looked at the door while pulling her shirt down and quickly went over opening it. "Oh! Mom, come in, I'm just getting ready for school" she said with a slight smile as she rummage through her bag looking for her purse, and her jacket

Sabine, her mother gave her a little chuckle while watching her, "Marinette dear, your purse is downstairs, you can't be late for your first day back to school" she said with a kind smile

Marinette quickly turned to her computer checking the time "shoot...I'm gonna be late, thanks Mamà, I don't know what I'd do without you" she said softly as she found her jacket and slipped it over her shoulders grabbing her bookbag then gently kissing her mother's cheek almost falling down the steps to her room rushing.

Sabine just giggled a bit before going back downstairs getting herself some coffee.

Marinette quickly went down to the bakery, to grab herself a quick breakfast. "Papa, do you mind if I steal I croissant?" She asked as she watched her father pulling out a box of macarons he had made for marinettes class the night before

Tom dupan, gave her a kind chuckle and smile "of course I don't mind Mari, you helped me make them. I finished those macarons for your class, each of their favorite flavors, I color coded them just as you asked" he said with a kind expression as he handed her the box.

Marinette looked at them excitedly "thanks papa, love you!" She said as she quickly kissed his cheek then headed out to school.

At school

Marinette arrived at school, late, as 'purr'-usual, and gave her friends a smile, alya and nino, they had been friends as long as she could remember.

Alya giggled a bit seeing Marinette sheepishly sit in her seat "sorry for being late ms.bustier...i brought macarons for everyone if you don't mind."

Ms.bustier gave Marinette as soft but unfazed smile "Marinette, if you were on time then I'd be concerned" she joked before nodding. "Of course, I don't mind, hand out your macarons, though don't take to long, my lessons about to begin." She said with a soft smile

Marinette giggled nervously at her joke before handing out the macarons to their respective person, until marinette comes up to a, mid hight, blond girl, the girl wasn't exactly marinettes biggest fan, nor was marinette her biggest fan, they mutually disposed eachother, to put it nicely.

The blond looked at the pale yellow macaroon with luster dusted on gold C, for Chloe. "Do you really expect me to eat this?" She scoffed as she looked at Marinette.

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