xi. just a beginning

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Days had passed, yet the storm that had been stirred up in Rosé's life only seemed to grow stronger.

The scandalous rumors surrounding her and Jungkook were still spreading like wildfire across all social media platforms, news outlets, and podcasts.

It seemed that no matter where she turned, the topic of discussion was always about her alleged relationship with the good-looking singer.

As each day passed without any official statement from either party, the public's thirst for more information only seemed to increase.

Fans and non-fans alike were constantly refreshing their feeds, hoping for any new tidbit or update on what was really going on between the two.

For Rosé, the chaos was almost suffocating. She couldn't go anywhere without people whispering and pointing at her, and her social media accounts were flooded with both supportive and hateful comments.

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comment section...

👤 "Seriously, who does she think she is? The Queen of Sheba? More like the court jester if you ask me 🙄"

👤 "Don't worry, Rosie. You've got a legion of loyal fans behind you. We'll slay all the haters together!🫂💕"

👤 "Aww, we stan a queen! Keep shining, rosé. We love you to the moon and back🌷"

👤 "Hey, nosy Nancy, why don't you mind yall own business? Who someone chooses to date or not is their own damn prerogative! Why don't you go find something productive to do instead of being a bunch of meddlesome busybodies?"

👤 "Chip off the old block, aren't they? No wonder her and her mother are both witches. Can't wait for the broomstick ride back to the netherworld where they belong"

👤 "Ugh, look at her, thinking she's all high and mighty. Newsflash, sweetie, the only thing you're all that in is being an insufferable bore"


As I peruse through the various comments, I can feel a surge of agitation slowly building within me.

The opinions and views expressed by others shouldn't have such an effect on me, but here I am, struggling to keep my composure.

Why am I becoming so worked up over these mere comments?

After all, these are just opinions, subjective viewpoints of others, and it's not as if they hold any real significance. In the grand scheme of things, it's a trivial matter, and I should just let it slide.

As she continue to scrolled through her Instagram feed, Rosé saw that Jungkook had just posted a photo of himself at the gym.

"What in the world is this?"

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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2023 ⏰

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