Linka meets Trixie

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"Class we have new student" said Miss Johnson "this is Trixie Tang" hi she Said most of the boys just said ba ba ba
As Trixie sat down "Hi I'm Linka loud she introduced herself I'm the captian of the cheerleading team and only sister of 10 brothers". "10 brothers said Trixie, that must be hard ten overprotective brothers." Said Linka flashback
At a family barbecue, Linka brought the lighter and spatula to the grill. "Woah, woah, woah. What are you doing?" Lynn called after her.

"I want to man the grill." She answered.

"You're gonna burn yourself. Let me do it." Her brother said as he took the items away.


"Just let your big brother do the hard work while you wait for the food baby sis."

"Loki, can you drive me to the arcade?" She asked the oldest on the couch.

"Why?" He asked not looking up from his phone.

"I'm meeting some friends there."

He put his phone down and turned sharply to her. "Do I know them? Where they live? Who's their parents? Are they girls? They better be all girls, Linka!"

Linka laid there on the couch with an ice bag on her forehead and wrapped in blankets. A few minutes before, the twins had wrestled her and forcibly made her use the items as if she was a stubborn patient with a fatal disease. Loki came in to take her temperature. Levi used a dangerous looking ray that only a mad scientist like him would carry to take her x-ray. Luke and Lane wrapped her in bandages but they basically mummified her from the waist up. Loni had made her chicken noodle soup but clumsily spilled the hot soup on Linka's lap. Luke and Lane came back with the bandages, completely mummifying her from top to bottom. Flashback ends

"That last one was all because I said "I think I have a stomachache"." Linka told Trixie. "And than there was this time I had touter and they went ga ga over her" explained Linka at lunch she was sitting with Zoe Reilly and Claudia. Linka decided to got to the mall as she went to the comic book store she grab the last Ace Savvy comic book but a other boy grab it but wasn't it was Trixie um this isn't what theses are for my brothers said Linka "Sorry, I thought this was something else." Trixie apologized, handing the comic book back to Linka.

"It's okay, I can always come back later and get it." Linka replied, relieved that Trixie wasn't one of those people who would fight over a comic book.

"Are you a fan of Ace Savvy too?" Trixie asked, looking at the comic book with interest.

"Yeah, I love all sorts of superhero comics." Linka replied, her eyes lighting up with excitement.

"Me too!" Trixie exclaimed. "I've always been a fan of superheroes, especially strong female ones like Wonder Woman and Supergirl."

"Same here!" Linka exclaimed, feeling a connection with Trixie. "I've always looked up to strong female characters in comics and movies."

The two girls bonded over their love for superheroes and ended up spending the rest of the day together, exploring the mall and talking about their favorite characters. Linka was happy to have found a friend who shared the same interests as her.

As they said goodbye, Trixie handed Linka a brand new Ace Savvy comic book as a gift. "I want you to have this," she said. "I can always get another one, but I can't always find a friend like you."

Linka was touched by Trixie's gesture and they promised to hang out again soon. From that day on, Trixie became a part of Linka's group of friends and they all welcomed her with open arms.

Linka's brothers were surprised to see her bring a girl home for the first time, but they were happy to see their sister making new friends. And even though they were still overprotective, they learned to trust Trixie and welcomed her into their family.

Trixie and Linka's friendship proved that even though they may be from different worlds, they could still find common ground and form a strong bond. And as they continued to hang out and have adventures together, their friendship only grew stronger.

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